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GM foods – what Monsanto doesn’t want you to know – part 2.

Genetically modified foods are not completely safe to eat. GM is an imprecise and crude method, which puts foreign genetic material into crops, and the consequences are often unpredictable. Genetically modified foods have not been tested rigorously, but testing in the form of animal feeding has demonstrated health effects of GM foods that aren’t short of alarming.

For farmers, GM food crops have led to a long-term economic catastrophe. A report that came out in 2009 noted that in the U.S. prices of GM seeds have risen dramatically, which resulted in a decrease for U.S. farmers who grow GM food crops. It is worthy to point out here that it is impossible for GM and non-GM to co-exist. The contamination of genetic modification in and conventional foods is on the rise.

GM companies cannot be trusted. Large biotech corporations, which pushed their GM foods on the market, all have awful histories of public deception and toxic contamination. Genetic modification is good for them, because they can get patents, which can then allow them to create a monopoly and control the world’s food supply. So, genetic modification is not something to be taken lightly. Next time you buy fruit or vegetables, find out where they came from first.

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