How to Unclog Arteries Naturally
- Clogged arteries are part of an impaired circulatory system and can be dangerous. However, it can be naturally unclogged
- Artery plaque is built up of cholesterol, fat, calcium, inflammatory cells, waste material, protein and fibrin floating around the body. The plaque hardens leading to an impaired circulatory sytem
- Before doing anything, you should consult your cardiologist. The best way to clear blocked arteries is to add systematic enzymes into your diet. This will improve circulation problems
If you have been diagnosed with clogged arteries, there are ways to unclog them naturally. Yes, surgery is available, but it is usually recommended in extreme cases. Before you can understand how to unclog arteries it helps to understand how they became clogged in the first place. Arteries become clogged when plaque builds up along the artery walls. Plaque is made up of cholesterol, fat, calcium, inflammatory cells, waste material, protein, and fibrin that are floating around the body. The plaque hardens over time and as it does, the inner wall of the artery narrows until it ultimately becomes clogged and blood can no longer circulate through it.
Unclogging arteries can take as long as it has taken to clog them. You may not even know that you are suffering from clogged arteries as there are no visible symptoms during the entire process. That is why it is usually found in older adults. You can be perfectly healthy and not even know that plaque build-up is occurring throughout the body, including the brain, lungs, arms, and legs.
So how to unclog arteries without surgery is the question and getting rid of the elements that cause plaque is the best place to start. Before you start on any unclogging arteries regimen you should consult your cardiologist. You may not be healthy enough to do this without a doctor’s supervision. The best and most natural way to clear arteries is by adding systemic enzymes into your diet. The systemic enzymes help support the other enzymes in the body, allowing them to function properly and work towards repairing the body.
Another method of how to unclog arteries includes supplementing your diet with vitamins, minerals and other supplements that can help break up the plaque and reduce any inflammation the plague has caused. Omega-3 oils that are found in fish and plants are one type of supplement that can be added to the diet to help work plaque free from artery walls. If you are on a low cholesterol diet, you can supplement your cooking oil with pumpkin seed oil which is low in carbohydrates and contains no trans fatty acids, gluten, or dairy. Additionally, the magnesium and potassium in the oil helps regulate blood pressure.
Foods that are high in the chemical compound sulforaphane glucosinolate – such as broccoli sprouts – help reduce high blood pressure risks, cardiovascular disease and stroke. If you cannot eat broccoli, you can buy this supplement in a pill form. One glass of pomegranate juice every day has also been found to help increase the blood flow in patients, lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk of blood clots. It provides more antioxidants than one cup of green tea and antioxidants have been found to help fight free radicals in the body which contribute to plaque build-up.
Other foods that are good at fighting and eliminating free radicals and that are good at unclogging arteries include garlic and cayenne peppers which contain capsicum.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.
2 Responses to “How to Unclog Arteries Naturally” |
It says that it's almost impossible to tell that plaque is building up in your arteries just from first sight. Are there specific tests you can do that will determine that for sure? For example, will a blood test show the presense of plaque in arteries?February 1st, 2011 at 3:48 am
It says that it's almost impossible to tell that plaque is building up in your arteries just from first sight. Are there specific tests you can do that will determine that for sure? For example, will a blood test show the presense of plaque in arteries?January 31st, 2011 at 10:48 pm