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Yellow Phlegm: Natural Methods of Treatment

This articles will explain things like:

  • Identifying the causes of coughing up yellow mucus.
  • Types of phlegm.
  • Natural and homeopathic treatments.
  • The importance of color and bright yellow mucus.

One of the worst symptoms of having a cold is the production of phlegm. It’s a sticky fluid secreted by the mucous membranes (excluding that from the nasal passages) and is expelled by coughing. Some people would prefer to try to treat with natural and/or homeopathic products and treatments. The question is always whether natural methods of treatment will work.

Color can be a signal as to the type of disorder you are experiencing: Clear, white or pale indicates that the infection may be viral and may not be able to be combated with antibiotics. Coughing up yellow mucus or yellow phlegm, as well as green or brown, combined with fever, chills or chest pains may indicate a severe health problem and you will want to see your provider. Bright yellow mucus may also be an alert to other problems. Specific to note is if the phlegm contains blood, as this can be very hazardous.

The process needed to assist in clearing is to thin the phlegm so that it can be coughed up or passed through your system. It is important to note that it is recommended that you confer with a naturopath or professional practitioner before trying home remedies. If you are pregnant, it is not advised that you adopt any herbal therapy. If you are taking any other medication, confer with an independent pharmacist that specializes in medicinal interactions. Even natural and OTC therapies can interact or interfere with existing medications; as an example turning yellow phlegm to a different color or clear, signaling a change in the illness.

According to home-remedies-for-you: “Drinking hot water or hot water, to which the juice of half a lemon has been added in addition to a spoon full of honey, provides relief from the cough. Drinking hot milk at bedtime, with half a teaspoon of turmeric mixed in it also helps soothe the throat. You can peel a couple of cloves of garlic and consume these at bedtime for quick relief. A really hot bath can help you feel better too.”

Some naturopaths recommend ancient oriental remedies such as: Pinellia Root Teapills, Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan or San She Dan Chuan Bei Ye. These can be found in any Chinese market.

Some homeopathic sites have recommended drink a lot of water. This will flush your system, help keep your body hydrated and assist in thinning the phlegm and expunging it from your system.

Goldenseal is an herb that has been used for a very long time to cure pretty much anything that ails you. It is particularly useful in treating inflammation and congestion of the lungs. Found in pill form as a tincture, this helpful plant can be procured quite easily from online health vendors. Extended or excessive doses of this herb is not recommended and has been implicated as the cause of some respiratory failures.

One of the most popular herbal teas for cold and flu symptoms:

Peppermint-Rosemary-Elder Flu Remedy
black elder flowers – 1 cup
Irish moss – 1 cup
juniper berries – 1 cup
peppermint – 1 cup
plantain – 1 cup
rosemary – 1 cup
honey – as needed

Mix all the herbs. Steep 1 teaspoon of the herb mix in 1 cup boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain. Reheat and sweeten with honey. Drink twice daily.

Remember that integrative, natural, OTC and prescriptions may change yellow phlegm to clear. This changes the illness condition and you should speak with your primary medical caregiver.

Any use of an alternative treatment should be combined with a consultation with your medical physician. The information supplied in this article is not to be considered or used as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.