Who Are Green Chip Investors?
The term green chip investors has been in the news and financial pages lately, but who are these investors? Green chip stocks are stocks that are in businesses which benefit from the renewable energy market and technology. Green chip stocks are stocks for companies that facilitate alternative renewable energy technologies. This can include geothermal energy, wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles that plug in and use electricity as well as another energy source, clean water, waste to energy conversion, smart grid technology, organic foods, biofuels, smart grid technology, and carbon testing, as well as many others. Ocean thermal energy conversion, wave energy, current energy, and tidal energy companies are also green chip stocks.
Green chip investors are investors who buy green chip stocks. Alternative renewable energy is the energy of the future, and many investors realize this. These investors buy green chip stocks so that they get in the market early. Once President elect Barack Obama takes office, he has pledged to make green technology and renewable energy sources that are more environmentally friendly a priority. This is taken by many green chip investors as a sign that soon renewable energy technologies and products are going to take off, which means an increase in the stock prices of these companies. If President elect Obama keeps to his election pledge, companies will be needed to build and install solar panels, wind turbines, and other alternative energy needs. In addition, electric cars will become a priority instead of traditional fossil fuel vehicles. Companies will be needed to build these cars, and to research further advancements in electric car technology, as well as other alternative renewable energy sources.
Green chip investors invest in green technology and product companies for many reasons. One reason is to invest in the future of America and avert an energy crisis, which will occur when oil and natural gas are no longer easily recoverable. This may not be as far in the future as many hope, because the demand for energy around the globe will continue to rise as more countries develop from third world nations to modern countries. Alternative energy offers many benefits to communities and economies all around the world. Green chip investors are making an investment in the energy future. Green chip investors also want to see a return on their investment.
Al Gore’s five point energy plan calls for a smart grid for energy, and companies will be needed to research, develop, and implement this grid. Stocks in companies used for this purpose are considered green chip stocks as well. All green technology is poised to take off, gaining popularity and being implemented more widely. This means that green technology companies are going to take off as well. Green chip investors buy green chip stocks in the hope of getting in on the ground floor, before prices start a big upward swing.
Renewable energy and natural food sources grown without harmful chemicals are the wave of the future, and stock in these companies is green chip stock. Green chip investors prefer to buy green chip stocks. Green chip stocks are environmentally friendly companies which are working to make a better future for both man and the environment, while meeting consumer demand for alternative renewable energy sources and naturally grown foods. Green chip investors prefer green chip stocks, and these are usually the stocks that they buy, sell, and hold.
The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.
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Right now investing in anything is a shaky idea. If you really to invest in stocks, you may want to want until the economy is in a more stable position before really looking into green chips.January 21st, 2009 at 10:50 pm
Right now investing in anything is a shaky idea. If you really to invest in stocks, you may want to want until the economy is in a more stable position before really looking into green chips.January 21st, 2009 at 10:50 pm