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What Is the Securities Investment Institute?

The Securities Investment Institute started out as an organization which was non profit, and was founded in the year 1992. The founders were all London Stock Exchange members, and this organization is the leader when it comes to investment and security markets in the UK and around the world. All types of investment securities and mortgage loan securitization investments are included in the goals and missions of this institute. Also called SII, this organization performs professional exams and has members all over the world. More than forty thousand professionals and businesses belong to this entity, and the institute has given more than forty five thousand professional exams all around the globe. The organization is committed to high principles and ethical practices in the financial and investment sectors, and it provides services to banks and other financial institutions world wide.

The Securities Investment Institute is a service provider to almost all of the banks which make up the world’s top fifty banks list, forty five of these fifty banks to be exact. The institute is promoting and setting higher standards for the financial services industry and sectors globally. SII provides the qualifications that are needed by anyone who wants to have a career in the financial or securities sectors. The Securities Investment Institute has become recognized everywhere in the world as a sign of professionalism and financial services excellence. Membership with the organization is categorized into five levels, and there is a level for each stage and set of financial services. Members be affiliates, students, associates, members, or fellows.

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