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What is the Difference Between Flu and Common Cold?

Have you ever noticed that the line that used to be drawn between cold and flu has become fuzzier? Over the counter products are now advertised for cold and flu and many medications are commonly given for both. The reason for this is that it is sometimes almost impossible to tell the based on symptoms alone.

Both the flu and the common cold share many common symptoms and also arrive at pretty much the same time of the year. Both are considered to be respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different virus types. The cold or rhinovirus enters through the nose via microscopic droplets that are air borne or from touching the nasal secretions of someone who is infected. The symptoms usually begin within one to five days and can include runny nose, sore or scratchy throat, upper respiratory congestion, and light fever. The duration of a cold is usually seven days to two weeks.

The flu is caused by a mutating virus that changes every year as it has for millennia. The virus survives through the changing process and can thrive on inanimate objects for up to two hours. The flu virus can also cause infection through inhalation of the infected droplets. It has a short incubation period and therefore can be easily spread in a very quick amount of time. In addition to the cold symptoms, another difference between flu and common cold is that with the flu there is an achy feeling all over. It is often accompanied by a feeling of exhaustion. Fevers can spike as high as one hundred two to one hundred six degrees Fahrenheit. There is often a dry hacking cough

Most physicians will tell you that, unlike the common cold, the flu is preventable. As long as an individual is part of the majority that can take a flu shot or nasal flu vaccination, they can protect themselves against the flu. There are a few types of people that are the exceptions to this rule and they must consult with their primary care giver before they approach getting a flu vaccination.

Side effects to flu shots and nasal vaccinations do exist and for a very small percentage, there can even be allergic reactions. Due to this fact, many people have researched and returned to homeopathic approaches for treating themselves for cold and flu symptoms. The homeopathic modality has been used for centuries and includes a whole body approach to allowing the body to use its own resources for healing. Homeopathic medication is under regulation by the FDC through the guidelines established by the US Homeopathic Pharmacopeia.

Reme-Flu is one of the homeopathic products that offer a two step program. The first step uses organic and inorganic substances to stimulate the healing processes of the body in a natural way. The second step offers fast cellular absorption which also encourages detoxification.

Always consult with a primary physician before making any changes to your daily regiment.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “What is the Difference Between Flu and Common Cold?”

  1. 1
    Urgent Care California Says:
    Most of the symptoms Cold and flu are similar. Homeopathic remedies work for cold and flu symptoms, but the healing process is very slow.