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What is PMDD?

What is PMDD? PMDD is short for premenstrual dysphoric disorder and is known as one of the most severe and symptomatic forms of PMS. Approximately ten percent of all women suffer from PMDD.

Both PMS and PMDD are troublesome and bring with them many symptoms that are at times unbearable. Many doctors in the past did not recognize PMDD and in fact asked, what is PMDD, while checking every related symptom up with PMS. Only recently in the last decade have doctors recognized the differences between PMS and PMDD.

Symptoms of PMDD are at times more severe and include extreme feelings of sadness to the extent of suicidal thoughts and contemplations. Sufferers of PMDD feel hopeless and uncertain. They often wonder what is PMDD doing to them. The causes of irregular menstrual cycles vary but the symptoms must be monitored. It is not uncommon for women with PMDD to experience crying bouts that include extreme mood swings, irritability and rage that affects those around them, severe fatigue and even out of whack food cravings and binging.

The causes of irregular menstrual cycles associated with PMDD vary. Some women have received relief from changing their lifestyle at home. By eliminating caffeine and caffeine containing foods like chocolate from their diets they have been able to relieve some of the symptoms of PMDD. Caffeine can actually cause women with PMDD to be more anxious and more fatigued when coming down from a caffeine high. When this happens the symptoms become exacerbated. Natural health food stores offer options in the treatment of PMDD.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.