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What are yeast infections?

While humanity may have progressed beyond some of the major diseases and disorders, we are still harassed by some of the smaller things like the common cold and yeast infections. The official name for any kind of yeast infection is Candida albicans or Candidiasis. Also referred to as Candida. It’s one of life’s annoying, and in some cases dangerous little fungi that likes to hang around the warm moist parts of the human body. If you’ve ever suffered from the symptoms, you probably asked yourself what are yeast infections?

What Are Yeast Infections

There are a variety of yeast infection types, but all involve a fungus. Some of the types are known by common names like diaper rash or Thrush, but they are all caused by the same thing: a fungus. Yeast infections can appear in all parts of the body: vaginal, under the arms, in between the fingers, under toenails, in the mouth and yes, even in the nose. Any place on your body where it is warm and moist is a happy breeding ground for yeast infections.

There are some harmless types of yeast that are normally found in the body. When kept in balance they can actually be of benefit to your regular functionality. Testing often shows yeast in the vaginal area, bowels, mouth, digestive tract and even on skin areas.

There have been theories backed by some testing that both sexually active men and women have higher percentages of yeast growth. There aren’t any definite decisions on this but it is thought that sexual activity might actually encourage the growth of the Candida.

The symptoms of a yeast infection vary, depending upon the location and the gender. A genital yeast infection overall involves itching and burning. In women, often a discharge is present and in men pain during urination and intercourse. If it is a skin yeast infection there is usually a burning feeling with cracking skin. The skin can be shiny and painful. If you have a yeast infection in the mouth there will be pain when swallowing and white patches will appear in the mouth and throat.

Besides asking what are yeast infections, the second question might be what causes a yeast infection. There are a multitude of causes that include lifestyle, dietary, and physical condition. Those that take antibiotics are often the first to experience a yeast infection. Antibiotics upset the natural balance within the system, allowing explosive growth of the bad bacteria. Other reasons for getting a yeast infection include: stress, hormonal imbalance, tight fitting clothing, poor diet, use of feminine hygiene sprays, fatigue, wearing wet clothing (i.e.: swimming suits) for long durations, taking birth control pills, the use of douches, sweating and the use of steroids. Diabetic patients that don’t keep their sugar in check are more susceptible to yeast infections due to the increased sugar levels. The yeast infection fungi love sugar.

There are a number of dietary and lifestyle changes that you can make that are and will help to eliminate a yeast infection. Over the counter creams and ointments are really effective and take a shorter duration of time to work. I guess that’s one thing that we have made progress with. We can now get rid of the pesky yeast infection faster than before.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “What are yeast infections?”

  1. 1
    Wendyy Says:
    The article mentions that there is a link between birth control bills and yeast infections. Why is this? I started taking pills and shortly after got an infection, although im not sure if the two are linked.