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What are the Main Causes of Viral Infections?

Causes of Viral Infections

  • The main causes of viral infections are exposure to viruses and not washing your hands frequently
  • Viral infections can affect any tissue or organ in your body
  • The will depend on the virus and what tissues are infected

The main causes of viral infections is a virus that has entered your body and is multiplying. A viral infection can be caused by any of the thousands of viruses that can cause symptoms and infections in humans. The specific strain of virus that is causing the infection, your health and immunities, and other factors can help determine how serious the viral infection is and how to treat you. Any tissue in your body can become infected with a virus, from your feet all the way up to your brain, and internal organs and tissues can also be affected. Because these infections are caused by a virus, antibiotics are not effective and can cause the infection to become worse by killing off beneficial bacteria in your body that can help you fight off the virus. For most signs of viral infections your doctor will tell you to get plenty of rest, drink a lot of water and other fluids that do not contain caffeine or carbonation, and to eat a nourishing diet which meets your higher nutritional needs. Some people may take herbal supplements such as echinacea and golden seal to try and help boost up their immune system so that a viral infection can be fought off more effectively. If the infection is severe or your immune system is weak, your doctor may prescribe anti viral medications

The signs of viral infections will vary depending on which virus is causing the infection, and which tissues and organs in your body have the virus present. Gastroenteritis is one type of viral infection that can have symptoms ranging from mild to severe. These infections can be caused by a number of viruses, and if the symptoms are severe you should seek medical treatment. Symptoms of these viral infections can include cramps and pain in your abdomen, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, a loss of appetite, a fever which is low grade and may last for a few days, muscle spasms which may be uncomfortable or even painful, a loss of appetite, and dehydration because of too much fluid output and not enough fluid intake. This type of infection can be caused by a rotovirus, a norwalk or norwalk type virus, an adenovirus, an astrovirus, a calicivirus, or others. These viral infections are very contagious and can be easily spread and transmitted to others. These viruses will normally run their course without any treatment, but hospitalization and drugs to control the symptoms may be needed in infants, the elderly, and anyone with a weakened immune system.

Other common causes of viral infections can include the common cold, the flu, and viral pneumonia. Many viruses can cause symptoms which appear in the upper or lower respiratory tract, or both. Common signs of viral infections caused by these viruses can include a runny or stuffy nose, headaches, body aches, chills, nausea, problems breathing, a wheezing in your chest, coughing, muscle spasms, and other general viral symptoms. With the common cold, the virus which starts the process is normally benign and does not hurt you. It is the overreaction of your immune system that causes signs of viral infections which make you miserable. Your body starts to create mucous to trap the viral invaders, and this is what clogs up your nose and creates many of the uncomfortable symptoms.

The causes of viral infections is commonly a lack of proper hygiene and hand washing. Viruses can be present on just about anything, and touching a surface or breathing the air after someone has sneezed or coughed can cause you to get a viral infection if you touch your eyes or mouth before washing your hands. Viruses can cause a wide variety of symptoms and health problems, so it is important to remember to wash your hands frequently, to prevent catching an infection and becoming ill.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.