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What Are Some Types of Cardiovascular Disease Treatment?

The types of cardiovascular disease treatment you receive will depend on the type of cardiovascular disease you suffer from. Problems with your cardiovascular system is one of the big health concerns with aging, as a lifetime of bad habits and nutrition start to catch up. These diseases may also be called heart conditions, and they affect your heart and vessels. Health tips for elderly individuals include getting exercise regularly and eating a diet low in sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fats, because these steps will keep your heart and your blood vessels healthy and working properly. Some types of cardiovascular disease treatment will include lifestyle changes to prevent further problems. These changes include quitting any bad habits like drinking alcohol and smoking, as well as any recreational drug use. Exercising for thirty minutes each day is also recommended for most people with heart problems.

Types Of Cardiovascular Disease Treatment

Other types of cardiovascular disease treatment can include medical procedures, medications, or both, which are aimed at removing or preventing blocks in your arteries. These treatments will also address any problems with the proper function of your heart. Medications may include blood thinners, to prevent clots from forming, diuretics to eliminate fluid build up in your body, Ace inhibitors, beta blockers, and medications which will lower your blood cholesterol levels. Medical procedures for treating these diseases can include a coronary angioplasty, where a balloon is used to open up any narrowed or blocked arteries and veins. A stent may also be implanted to prevent future blockages. Surgery may be necessary to treat any underlying problems, and this may include coronary artery bypass surgery. With this procedure the blocked artery section is taken out and replaced by another vein, which was removed from your leg or other area.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “What Are Some Types of Cardiovascular Disease Treatment?”

  1. 1
    Liz Says:
    What exactly is a stent and how would it get placed into your heart? I've heard vaguely about this but would like more information.
  2. 2
    Liz Says:
    What exactly is a stent and how would it get placed into your heart? I've heard vaguely about this but would like more information.