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What are Flu Vaccination Risks

Each year the flu season enters with the doom and gloom of media blasting terrible pandemic news. In times of illness people often spread misinformation as quickly as the appropriate data. Rumors regarding flu vaccination risks and people often don’t know who to trust and what information is truthful. So what are the flu vaccination risks?

What Are Flu Vaccination Risks

The reason that we have a new flu vaccination every year is that there is a new strain of virus. Flu viruses have the ability to survive through mutation. Last year’s will not work this year, because it’s a different virus. When talking about the vaccination, there are two types to address: The flu shot, which is an inactive version of the flu and the nasal spray vaccine which is a weakened version of the flu.

There are age limitations with the flu shot. Babies under six months of age should not receive the shot. People that are recuperating from an illness, have a high fever or anyone who is allergic to eggs should consider the nasal vaccine. It is reported by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) that the risk of a flu vaccine causing serious harm is extremely small. If there are any complications it is usually due to an allergic reaction.

Reported side effects of the vaccine include: redness, soreness or swelling at the site of the flu shot; low grade fever and aches. The side effects can last as long as two days. One person in one hundred thousand develop Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS); an illness that includes fever, nerve damage and muscle weakness.

The downside of the flu vaccine is that it is developed based on what the estimated flu viruses will be. Since viruses mutate, the flu vaccine could be rendered ineffective due to a change in the strain.

Homeopathic medicines and treatments are a whole body approach and are not affected by mutating viruses. Used for centuries with good results, homeopathy involves the use of organic and inorganic substances to gently stimulate the body’s natural resources to maintain a healthy system. Homeopathic products are governed by the FDA under the guidelines established by the US Homeopathic Pharmacopeia. Remedies are thereby insured in uniformity and safety.

Reme-Flu is a homeopathic treatment that offers a two step approach. The first is medicine for the prevention and treatment of flu symptoms combined with a proprietary formula that encourages faster cellular absorption. The faster cell absorption also encourages the rejection of toxins and thereby a faster healing time. Reme-Flu is designed to be taken at the first on set of symptom. This shortens both the cycle duration as well as reducing the symptoms themselves. There are no known side effects for this medicine, so there can be a sense of relief that the patient will not experience potential side effects that a flu vaccination might cause.

Before making any changes to your medical regiment, always consult with your primary physician or medical care giver first.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

No Responses to “What are Flu Vaccination Risks”

  1. 1
    Zina Says:
    The flu vaccination has not been shown to reduce the risk of flu! Look at the stats! It is a complete waste of time and money as there are soooo many strains of the virus. Spread the word – don't get the vaccine as its really not worth it!