Warning signs of alcoholism: do not cross the line!
If you drink alcohol even on an occasional basis, it is important that you know and recognize the warning signs of alcoholism so that you do not cross the line from social drinker to alcoholic. If you display even one or two of the warning signs of alcoholism then it is important that you seek medical or professional help with this problem before it becomes even worse. There is a fine line between alcohol abuse and alcoholism, and this line can become blurred and may be easily crossed. One of the signs which may indicate a problem with alcoholism is if you drink after swearing that you will not. When alcohol cravings occur they can be very hard to resist, and an alcoholic may fall back into drinking because of these cravings. If you have vowed to stop using alcohol and then you drink again this can be a warning sign that you are an alcoholic and need help with this problem.

Some other common warning signs of alcoholism include drinking when you are alone and no one else is around, excessive drinking which causes concern among friends and family members, and drinking which causes criticism because you go overboard or your personality changes when you have been consuming alcohol. One of the big warning signs of alcoholism is when your drinking interferes with your ability to go to work or to perform your job once you are there. Alcoholism causes absenteeism, and if you miss work because you are drunk or hung over from drinking the day before then you may need professional assistance with and treatment for alcoholism.
Another of the most common warning signs of alcoholism is blackouts which are caused by alcohol consumption. Individuals who are alcoholics have a tendency to drink too much, and this can lead to what is commonly called blacking out. This is not the same as passing out, because while you are blacked out you may do something that you do not remember later, and you are awake and active during the blackout even though your memory may be hazy or nonexistent after the events. Other common warning signs of alcoholism includes frequent headaches or hangovers the day after drinking. These symptoms are a result of all the poisons from the alcohol in your system.
Some frequent warning signs of alcoholism include the need to drink early in the morning, or right after you get out of bed, as well as financial difficulties and a chaotic or unhappy home life. Often the results from alcohol consumption is a hangover, and you may be tempted just to have one drink to take away the effects of the hangover. You may also find yourself facing money problems as you start consuming more alcohol, because this substance can be expensive. As you alcoholism increases so does the cost of this habit, and this can interfere with bill payments and other necessary expenditures. Understanding the warning signs of alcoholism can help you prevent this problem from becoming worse, and alert you to seek treatment and help with this condition so that you do not cross the line.
The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.
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Well, I do enjoy a couple of beers on my own when I come home from work, but I don't think that's a sign of alcoholism. I think 'drinking by yourself' is too often chucked into the pile of alcoholic symptoms, when in fact, if it's in moderation, it is just an enjoyable activity.January 27th, 2011 at 10:11 am
Well, I do enjoy a couple of beers on my own when I come home from work, but I don't think that's a sign of alcoholism. I think 'drinking by yourself' is too often chucked into the pile of alcoholic symptoms, when in fact, if it's in moderation, it is just an enjoyable activity.January 27th, 2011 at 5:11 am