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Types of Hormone Replacement Options

Hormone replacement is used to treat hormone-diseases and age related conditions. It is also known as estrogen, hormone or menopausal replacement therapy. Therapy using hormone replacement reduces symptoms related to menopause. There are different forms of therapy available today and more developments, such as news that exercise can prevent breast cancer, on the horizon.

Hormone Replacement

There are two main types of hormone replacement therapy. Estrogen replacement involves only taking one hormone. In this case the doctor prescribes estrogen in suitable doses, depending on the condition. This type of therapy is used in women who have lost their uterus through surgical therapy. It is administered in form of oral drugs, injections, vaginal suppositories or pellets.

Estrogen and Progesterone
The progesterone/progestin-Estrogen hormone therapy is also known as combination therapy. This involves taking combined doses of estrogen and progesterone. It is commonly used in women who have a uterus. Therapy involves taking estrogen regularly at the same time progesterone is used regularly. The hormones are given in combination to prevent the overgrowth of the uterus.

This type of therapy is not commonly used in hormone replacement. It is prescribed to bring relief in conditions such as hot flushes. The hormone is administered in form of injections, pellets, patches, lozenges, gels and creams.

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy
It uses natural hormones that have been synthesized from natural sources. Human hormones are not used. They might be obtained from urine samples of pregnant mares as these are very similar to human hormones. Common examples of natural HRT include premarin and prempak-Care. Herbal remedies for menopause, including natural female hormones can be helpful as well.

Synthetic HRT
This type of hormone replacement involves the use of dienostrol ethninyloestradiol and mestranol. Hormones used in therapy are based on chemical substances.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Types of Hormone Replacement Options”

  1. 1
    Kelly Says:
    Can you tell us more specifically about what kind of diseases or disorders this hormone therapy would be needed for? Why would one need estrogen replacement while another needs progesterone?