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Types of Acne

There are a number of types of acne, including adult and teenage acne, cystic acne, and others. The acne remedy needed will depend on the type and grade of the breakouts present. Dermatologists are doctors who specialize in all types of breakout and other skin disorders, and they classify this condition according to four different grades, depending on the severity of the condition. Grade one is the least severe, with no inflammation and just a few blackheads and pimples. There is no redness or swelling. Grade Two is slightly more severe, but still does not require treatment. With this stage there is slight swelling, inflammation, and redness, and you may get a few pus filled pimples, but the breakout is still mild.

The types of acne also include grades three and four, and these include cystic acne and some forms of teenage acne. A home acne remedy will not usually work once the condition has reached these grades, and a dermatologist is usually needed. Grade three involves significant redness and irritation, and can cause scarring because of the number and severity of the breakouts. Grade four is the cystic stage, and in this stage cysts will form under the skin. This is the worst of all the types of acne, and can have a profound effect on your life and the way you view yourself. For grade four you may need in office acne surgery to rupture the cysts and remove all of the contents, without spreading the infection or making the problem worse with scars.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Types of Acne”

  1. 1
    Diane Says:
    If you suffer from grade four acne, then what can be done? You mention surgery, but what would the aftereffects be? Would your skin be completely smooth or still somewhat blemished? What about side effects?
  2. 2
    Diane Says:
    If you suffer from grade four acne, then what can be done? You mention surgery, but what would the aftereffects be? Would your skin be completely smooth or still somewhat blemished? What about side effects?