Top 5 Tips for Parenting with Less Stress
Today’s lifestyle is incredibly hectic, especially with consideration that most households involve two incomes, with both parents working. When you add kids to the mix of an ever demanding employer, something usually has to give. There are ways that you can accomplish parenting with less stress in the family. It does require some planning and focus, but once you get into the routine life becomes a lot easier.

1) Plan ahead for the next day: This is an important factor as looking ahead can save you time, and that is a key topic in having a less stress life. Plan just a few minutes to get tomorrow’s lunch, planning clothes for you and the kids, making sure there aren’t any last minute school requirements and papers to fill out or snacks you had to supply. Depending upon the age of your children you can have them participate, which is an excellent learning process for them. Make sure you keep a ‘to-do-list’ for yourself and update it every day; this will keep you on track for work, home and school.
2) Use time-saving products: We all want to do everything for our children, but that may not be possible. Home cooked meals from scratch were a wonderful treat that yesterday’s Mom accomplished, but today, we can barely remember if we have any flour. Since we rely on prepackaged meals, investigate the ingredients to ensure health, vitamins and the lack of processed, chemicals, gluten and dyes. Many healthy meals can be found at your local health food store and bring rich nutrients while not sacrificing taste. Select every day products that can make everyone’s life easier.
3) Establish comfort levels and standard night routines: This means a regular bath time and bedtime, as well as enjoyment time. If your kids have homework, there should be guidelines for study, and rewards for completion and a job well done. Down time can include reading a book, a limit on tv or game time and a routine to go to bed. While there may be struggles in getting your kids to sleep at a particular time, once the routine is enforced, it becomes more of an accepted process and you can have a bit of your own time.
4) Make time for yourself and your significant other: This can sometimes seem like an impossible task, but it can be done. You need to reward yourselves because this also is a replenishment time. It renews your energy and allows you the ability to face the day ahead. Whether you have evening, weekend or date-night, set aside some me-time.
5) Play time can reduce stress: Giving your kids and yourself some well deserved play time is a powerful way to not only have less stress in your lives, but also reinforce the bonding. You want to enjoy your children and your life, so establish some well loved play moments.
Finding a balance in life can be a challenge, but with a few alterations and some planning, you can find that it will be a lot easier. The planning needs to be adjusted as your children get older and their needs and requirements advance.
The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.