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Top 10 Unexpected Natural Remedies for Dry Itchy Skin

Dry Itchy Skin

  • Dry skin can be treated with natural remedies
  • Many of the ingredients can be found in your kitchen
  • Dry skin can happen at any time of the year

It is pretty obvious that no matter what season it is, dry itchy skin is definitely a bothersome to many people around the world. There are so many skin irritations out there that it is a wonder that we do not have dry itchy skin all of the time! There are quite a few remedies for a skin rash and skin irritation though and in this article we will explore ten of those natural remedies for skin itching!

#1: You definitely want to avoid products that contain a lot of drying agents like clay, glycerin and alcohol, as these can definitely cause dry itchy skin even if you do not normally have it. Look for products that are natural moisturizers.

#2: Adding evaporated milk to your bath will definitely calm your skin itching and skin irritation right down. If you do not have evaporated milk, oatmeal, baking soda and milk can work as well!

#3: Aloe Vera is definitely a great remedy for skin rashes and it definitely helps when you have dry itchy skin. Whether you purchase yourself some Aloe Vera or your break off a leaf from the plant, this stuff definitely helps.

#4: Cornstarch is something that definitely helps relieve itchy skin, you can either pour it into your bath or you can dust some of it on your body to help control your itching.

#5: One of the greatest things for itchy skin that most of us all ready know about but it deserves the number five spot is applying a cold compress to all of the itchy areas! Ice cubes work wonders on itchy skin!

#6: Scrubbing your skin with a pumice stone and then washing with an all natural and moisture-filled soap can really help loosen up all of that dead skin that usually causes a lot of people itches.

#7: One of the biggest things that people overlook when they are dealing with dry and itchy skin is the fact that they are probably not using enough moisturizer! Cream is definitely a great way to get rid of dry and itchy skin, so cream it up!

#8: Did you know that when you have a well-balanced diet, you skin can actually improve and you won’t have dry and itchy flesh? Veggies, fruits, grains, seeds and nuts are all part of a balanced diet and should be part of yours!

#9: It is a known fact that non-smokers generally have better skin and skin that is not dry and itchy versus smokers. So kick that habit and you will definitely see a difference in your skin!

10: Finally! Witch hazel is definitely one of the top things that can cure dry and itchy skin. Just a few rubs of this amazing and you should have no problems with your skin!

So there you have it folks! The top ten natural remedies for dry and itchy skin! The next time you have a skin rash or dry itchy skin, you can take all of these tips and tricks to heart and beat that dry skin naturally!

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Top 10 Unexpected Natural Remedies for Dry Itchy Skin”

  1. 1
    Mimi Says:
    lot of drying agents like clay, glycerin and alcohol? This is the first time I am hearing of glycerine as a drying agent. Doesnt sound right.
  2. 2
    jock itch Says:
    Yes corn starch is actually quite good. Tea tree oil is also helpful for itchy skin