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Top 10 Unexpected Anti Wrinkle Remedies

Anti Wrinkle Remedies

  • Wrinkles are a part of getting older
  • There are many different natural remedies for wrinkles
  • Home remedies for wrinkles can be made from items you already have in your kitchen


When it comes to age, no one wants to get older. We all want to have fresh, young looking skin all of the time and while there are many different anti wrinkle remedies out there, how can you be sure which ones work and which ones don’t! The first answer to the quest is to make sure that any product you select is all natural as well as organic. Adding an anti wrinkle remedy to your regiment is a personal selection and here are a few that will help make an improvement on your aging skin!

Remedy #1:

If you are like so many people and have sagging flesh under your eyes, odorless castor oil will definitely work wonders! You can also use this amazing anti wrinkle skin care treatment on your throat as well! Castor oil is easily found at pharmacies, grocery stores and natural health stores.

Remedy #2:

One of the greatest aging skin care natural wrinkle treatments available is the simple facial massage. Yes folks, the sooner that you start massaging your face in circular motions, the better you skin will look!  This process stimulates the blood within the skin layers and assists in generating new skin cell development.

Remedy #3:

One all natural anti wrinkle that we should all do, no matter what age is rub the core of a pineapple along our faces. Leave this on for about ten to fifteen minutes and you should see a huge difference in fine wrinkles! This is definitely one of the easiest and natural anti wrinkle remedies!

Remedy #4:

Turmeric powder with sugarcane juice made into a paste and applied to wrinkled skin is honestly one of the best aging skin care natural wrinkle treatments available!

Remedy #5:

In order to maintain an acne-free and wrinkles face, keeping it clean is very important. Removing all of your makeup at night and even using lime juice or cleansing milk to remove the oiliness from your skin will definitely help you!

Remedy #6:

Coconut oil is definitely one of the best anti wrinkle skin care products on the market today! Applying this directly to the flesh will make those wrinkles disappear in no time at all.

Remedy #7:

Egg whites are also a great anti wrinkle remedy, just apply a little under your eyes and your flesh will tighten up and make you look ten years younger!

Remedy #8:

We all know that grapes are more than just fruit to eat and they are definitely one great way to get rid of those wrinkles! If you cut a few green seedless grapes in half and rub them on your face, you will definitely see a rejuvenation process.

Remedy #9:

Honey and ginger made into a paste are two things that not only get rid of acne on your face but they definitely make your skin tighter and firmer!

Remedy #10:

Finally, mixing vodka with fennel seed, after it sits for three days and is strained makes a fantastic toner at night and will leave your skin looking firm and tight all day!

There you have it folks! There are ten all natural and absolutely unbelievable remedies to help you kick your wrinkles and keep your face looking amazing, young and fresh! The method that you select will be based on your particular skin type. Every person has a unique need, so try a few of those listed above to see what works the best for you.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Top 10 Unexpected Anti Wrinkle Remedies”

  1. 1
    Victoria Says:
    Remedy number 10 is the most interesting one to me. Vodka and fennel seed? I've never even heard of fennel seed. What is it and where can you buy it?
  2. 2
    Victoria Says:
    Remedy number 10 is the most interesting one to me. Vodka and fennel seed? I've never even heard of fennel seed. What is it and where can you buy it?