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Top 10 Natural Eczema Remedies

Eczema Treatment

  • In order to combat the rather unpleasant symptoms of eczema, such as dry itchy skin and dry scaly skin, finding the right treatment method is important
  • Eczema skin care treatment is available in many forms, and they may not all be right for you
  • In a world where it’s difficult to trust synthetic formulas and miracle drugs, it sometimes it’s best to go the all-natural route. This can be made easy with an eczema treatment because there are many natural skin remedies available that can help alleviate those harsh symptoms

When it comes to finding the right natural eczema remedies, it is definitely difficult! Do you find yourself going through all sorts of different remedies for eczema but nothing seems to work? We all know that most all natural eczema remedies are going to be the best option if you have this terrible skin condition, after all, there are no side effects! Now, if you have eczema, do not think it’s the end of the world! The eczema treatment in this day and age is definitely better than a few years a go and if you go the all natural way, you should have no problems!

Natural Remedy #1: Coconut Oil

Now, the very first all natural eczema remedies on our list of ten is going to be softening up your skin. This can done easily with coconut oil and this is a very important step in getting rid of this terrible skin disorder.

Natural Remedy #2: Nutmeg Paste

Another eczema treatment that is on our list is applying nutmeg paste directly onto any of the effected areas, this is a great all natural eczema treatment that can be used over and over again if the skin disorder keeps coming back.

Natural Remedy #3: Sunbath

Number three on our list of all natural eczema remedies is taking a sunbath! While many reports say that the sun is bad for your skin, when you have eczema, the sun will definitely help fight the off, so go on; soak up that sun all you want, just use protection!

Natural Remedy #4: Tomato Juice

Number four on our list is add tomato juice to your diet. One sure fire way to get rid of your eczema is by drinking quite a decent amount of tomato juice, at least twice a day and you should see your skin clearing up ever-so-fast!

Natural Remedy #5: Sandalwood Paste

Number five (we’re half way there!) is going to be adding sandalwood paste, one teaspoon mixed with another teaspoon of camphor onto all of the affected areas of your skin. Instantly, you should be seeing quite a bit of difference in how your skin is and you should see your eczema clearing up!

Natural Remedy #6: Cold Compress

Did you know that cold water and cold compresses also can be an all natural eczema remedy? Well, it definitely can be! If place a cold compress on the affected areas of your skin twice a day, you should see quite an improvement and that is why this one is number six on our list of ten natural remedies for eczema!

Natural Remedy #7: Zinc Supplement

If you are the type of person that does not like to take any pills to clear anything up, finding some way to include zinc into your diet will definitely assist with clearing up all of your affected skin and that is why this treatment is number seven!

Natural Remedy #8: Biotin Medication

Biotin pills are also very effective for clearing up and eliminating any eczema you might have on your body, so this treatment makes number eight on our list of ten!


Natural Remedy #9 and #10: Mustard Oil and Margosa Leaves

Finally, number nine and ten are all about oil. You need to be sure that you are keeping your skin properly oiled in order to make sure that eczema goes away. A quick mixture of mustard oil and margosa leaves boiled in an iron pot and applied onto your body four times a day is sure to clear up any eczema you might have.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Top 10 Natural Eczema Remedies”

  1. 1
    Eczema Remedies Says:
    Great article! I didn't realise you could use nutmeg paste - I'll have to check it out further! Lizzy xx