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Top 10 Foods in Diet after Gallbladder Removal

  • Your diet after gallbladder removal is as important and crucial as the surgery itself because of your body’s weakened system and the risk of gallbladder inflammation
  • If you have experienced gallbladder polyps and ultimately had the removal of your gallbladder done, it is important to pay attention to the foods you are putting back into your body. A careful diet is necessary
  • Gallbladder inflammation symptoms can be quite similar in nature to bile duct cancer symptoms, but do not be alarmed. Symptoms can be treated through the removal of the gallbladder
  • Your diet is important before and after surgery. Below is a list of some of the best foods to add to your diet after gallbladder removal surgery

1. Beets

Beet juice cleanses the gallbladder and is great when a patient has experienced gallbladder polyps or stones. Drinking approximately 100 ml of beet juice twice daily will help to eliminate gallbladder inflammation.

2. Carrots

Carrot juice cleanses the gallbladder and is a great vegetable to incorporate in your diet after gallbladder removal. Drinking approximately 100 ml of carrot juice twice daily will help to eliminate gallbladder inflammation.

3. Pears

Gallbladder inflammation can be treated naturally through the use of pears. Eating pears or drinking pear juice several times a day can keep your system operating as it should. Pain associated with bile duct cancer symptoms can be eliminated through adding more and vegetables to your diet.

4. Oatmeal

Fiber is crucial in your diet after gallbladder removal. A healthy dose of fiber eliminates constipation and promotes a quicker recovery from gallbladder polyps and surgery itself. Fiber keeps things moving and there is little risk of blockage.

5. Brown Rice

The fiber in brown rice is the perfect food to implement in your diet after gallbladder removal. Healthy fiber sources eliminate many of the bile duct cancer symptoms that can be quite painful and uncomfortable. Constipation is also eliminated.

6. Cracked Wheat

The diet after gallbladder removal is very important and healthy foods rich in fiber are necessary to keep things moving. Cracked wheat is a good source of fiber to eliminate gallbladder inflammation and the painful symptoms that go along with it.

7. Chicory Seed Juice

Chicory seeds, roots and flowers can be ground and consumed as a juice. This juice is good for the liver and other organs associated with the secretion of bile. A patient with bile duct cancer symptoms should drink chicory daily. Your diet after gallbladder removal should contain chicory seed juice.

8. Bananas

Bananas are easy on the stomach and can be digested easily and with little effort. Bananas are rich in potassium and promote a healthy digestive system.

9. Blackberries

Blackberries are rich in fiber and essential nutrients and vitamins that promote a healthy digestive system. Consuming berries every day will eliminate constipation and keep things moving at a steady rate. Your diet after gallbladder removal is important and at least two servings of berries each day can provide your body with important nutrients it requires to function properly.

10. Blueberries
Blueberries are rich in fiber and important in the promotion of a healthy digestive system. Consuming blueberries daily will eliminate any problems with constipation and keep things moving at a healthy rate.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

3 Responses to “Top 10 Foods in Diet after Gallbladder Removal”

  1. 1
    sarah Says:
    DO NOT EAT BANANAS!! directly after surgery do not eat bananas. My gall bladder was removed 1 1/2 years ago (Aug 2010) and I had eaten a banana about a week after surgery and then a few mins later doubled over in pain like I was having another gall bladder attack (mine was removed because it became diseased during pregnancy and was filled with sludge and crystals). I asked the doc that did my surgery and he said there is no medical reason why I should be having issues with bananas, and to not eat them for a few months and then start to introduce them again. Well I tried to do that and to no avail. I still cannot eat bananas unless I want to take a really strong pain killer. I have also found that there are other ppl with the same issue and still no doctors have been able to explain to me what it is. My guess is that there is some protein or enzyme that I can no longer process. I can eat just about anything else.
  2. 2
    carol dockery Says:
    I have been diagnosed with polyps in my gallbladder and ive to go to the general surgery clinic on the 12th of march so i think they are going to take it out, as ive been in discomfort for the past 9mths with right side pain and i have a swelling just below the ribs that gets worse as the day goes by and its sore there is this usual , thanks id be grateful for a answer
  3. 3
    gall bladder symptoms Says:
    This looks like a really healthy diet. Is pineapple good as well?