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Tips to Avoid the Spread of the H1N1 Virus

Just recently the World Organization (WHO) raised the level of concern over the swine flu to its highest level. The H1N1 Virus has officially become the first flu-pandemic of the 21st century. To avoid spread H1N1 Virus there are several practical and easy tips you can follow to keep yourself and your family swine flu free.

Avoid Spread H1n1 Virus

1. Educate yourself about swine flu symptoms
The media has played up the swine flu and there is a lot of fear about it. In reality it is no deadlier than other types of flu and the deaths that have occurred have usually been in elderly people with other health problems or young infants. Being educated about swine flu symptoms then you’ll know how to combat it earlier.

2. Wash your hands
This is one of the most powerful preventative ways to avoid spread H1N1 Virus. Washing your hands multiple times per day as well as having a bottle of hand sanitizer with you or in your vehicle is also effective.

3. Cover you cough
Coughing spreads germs everywhere. The best way to cover your cough is by placing your mouth in between your forearm and bicep rather than coughing into your hands and then spreading germs with your hands.

4. Strengthen immune system
Strengthening your immune system through healthy eating and supplementing with a multivitamin tablet and an optional vitamin C can help your body ward off swine flu. Most people who are susceptible to swine flu have weakened immune systems.

5. Stay away from sick people
You don’t have to lock yourself in your house but it would be wise to stay away from people you know who are sick to avoid spread H1N1 Virus.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Tips to Avoid the Spread of the H1N1 Virus”

  1. 1
    willy Says:
    very useful information