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Tips for Preparing for a Mammogram

According to breast facts, one out of eight women will have breast cancer before the age of 95. A mammogram is one of the best ways of preventing cancer. Preparing for a mammogram is really quite simple. It mainly involves following the instructions of the technician that will be administering the procedure.

Your Period

You will be less uncomfortable if you schedule your mammogram for two or three weeks after your period.

Previous Mammograms

If you have records of your previous mammograms, bring them with you to the appointment. If you don’t, bring a list of the dates you’ve had them done and where they were done.

Don’t Use

When you go for your mammogram, don’t use lotion, perfume, talcum powder or deodorant on your breasts or under your arms. They can make the images harder to read.


Wear a skirt or pants and a blouse to your appointment so you only have to remove the top and your bra. Best of all, wear a blouse that buttons down the front.


It is better to leave all jewelry at home. However, if you feel you need to wear some, make sure it is easily removable because you can’t have it on when you are preparing for a mammogram.

History, Symptoms and Problems

Go over your history and write down any symptoms or problems have had. It is important for you to discuss these with the technician.

Breast cancer awareness and knowing your breast cancer facts are very important in preventing breast cancer. Follow these simple tips when you are preparing for a mammogram.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.