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Thick green mucus from nose – what should I do!

Yuk! Green mucus is nasty stuff, but what should I do now that it is coming out of my nose?! Fear not, chances it is nothing serious. Read on to find out what may be causing the green mucus, and most importantly, what to do about it!

Thick Green Mucus From Nose

If you have thick green mucus from nose coming out and it is freaking you out, it is usually nothing too serious. The thick green mucus from nose may be an indication of a bacterial infection in your sinuses and it could also be a fungal infection. It would be a good idea to see your physician and request a referral to an ENT specialist so that you can have a thorough exam conducted. The thick green mucus should be tested for fungi and bacteria. If it is a bacterial infection, the doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics.

If you have allergies, then there is half your answer already. Those people who have have a much bigger chance of developing sinus infections because of the sinus blockage and the increased production of mucus. In this case, you should also see your doctor to have your sinuses examined for blockage and pain, and have a thorough look at your ears and throat for signs of infections. If it is just a case of plain and simple allergies, then allergy management should take care of your thick green mucus.

The allergies may be caused by anything in your home, including dust mites, which will trigger your allergies while you sleep. If you start to suffer from green mucus from nose due to allergies, it is recommendable to use a pillow cover that is hypoallergenic, and you should wash your bedding every week. Also, you can try and take an antihistamine before sleep in the evening, and this may reduce the appearance of thick green mucus.

In more serious cases, thick green mucus from nose (also known more colloquially as “rhinorrhea”) is actually referred to as “vasomotor rhinitis”. Rhinitis literally means ‘nose inflammation’. This means that something is irritating your nose that is not even considered an allergenic irritant. In the case of vasomotor rhinitis, regular medications will not really help. It is possible to control this chronic condition, but it is not possible to fully treat it without surgery. You can try controlling the condition by using nasal and/or oral medications, but that is pretty much all you can do without medical interference.

There are various home remedies you can use for your own treatment of thick green mucus. Some of these include using a humidifier, drinking more water, applying moist warm cloths on your face and inhaling steam numerous times throughout the day. If you have thick green mucus and are also experiencing a pain, sore throat, cough, fever, or a foul smelling discharge, you should definitely see your doctor.

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