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The Link Between Almonds and Cholesterol

Almonds and cholesterol go hand in hand in combating the war against cholesterol and heart disease. Studies show that a regular consumption of almonds can actually lower the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. Almonds are known to lower the levels of LDL or low density lipoproteins and increase the HDL or high density lipoproteins in your system. The HDLs are the good cholesterol and what we need for our body to function properly. This is why you should eat almonds regularly because they will ultimately lower your cholesterol level. Almonds and cholesterol levels are closely related and the benefits speak for themselves.

Almonds And Cholesterol

Almonds are also rich in fiber which can ultimately lower your cholesterol levels. By consuming raw almonds on a daily basis you can provide your body with a natural laxative and keep your digestive system on the right track. By incorporating raw almonds into your diet you can also avoid symptoms associated with constipation. This is just another reason why you should eat almonds routinely.

Another reason why you should eat almonds is that they regulate your blood pressure. Almonds are rich in potassium and low in sodium which work together to lower your blood pressure. When your blood pressure is leveled your heart is operating normally. This is another link between almonds and cholesterol levels. Studies show that patients with higher cholesterol levels typically have a higher blood pressure rating.

Almonds can be eaten raw or garnished on salads or oatmeal. However you enjoy eating almonds, rest assured in knowing that they have long term effects on your body’s health.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “The Link Between Almonds and Cholesterol”

  1. 1
    Claire Says:
    Does it matter if the almonds are roasted or raw from the point of view of their benefits? What exactly is the recommended daily dose?
  2. 2
    Claire Says:
    Does it matter if the almonds are roasted or raw from the point of view of their benefits? What exactly is the recommended daily dose?