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The Flu Vaccine Shock of the Year

There has been a lot of talk about the flu vaccine and whether it is effective or not. Looking at the issue closer, it becomes apparent that it is not only ineffective, but can in fact be dangerous. Here we would like to share some of the research about the latest flu vaccination, and the by-products and chemicals contained in these supposedly effective and non-harmful flu injections. Let’s look at what the common flu vaccination actually contains:

  • Thimerosal, which is a mercury-based preservative and disinfectant. Most flu vaccines contain thimerosal, and this ingredient can lead to brain injury with prolonged use, which can result in slow brain performance, lack of memory, or even Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s Disease. Thimerosal is also known to cause auto-immune illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and ALS, as well as to weaken the immune system and prevent it from working properly.
  • Ethylene Glycol, which is actually a technical name for anti-freeze, and this is what you put into your car. Would you ever consider putting anti-freeze in your body?
  • Streptomycin and Neomycin, which are compounds used as antibiotics. Their side effects can spur extreme allergic reactions in certain people.
  • Phenol, which is used primarily as a disinfectant and, sometimes, a dye. It is a carcinogenic substance, and is also referred to as carbolic acid.
  • Formaldehyde, which is used as a preservative. It causes your bodily fluids to become acidic and has also been classified as a carcinogenic. Formaldehyde’s intention is to preserve the tissues within your body.
  • Aluminum, which accumulates in the brain, kidneys, bones, and skin. It can also lead to Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. It was also discovered that aluminum caused cancer in some laboratory mice. Most flu vaccines contain a fair dose of aluminum.

Perhaps the biggest shock of all came when it was discovered that one of the flu shots, the Rotarix rotavirus vaccine was found to be with DNA from PCV1 and PCV2, which are aggressive viruses which lead to immune suppression, and were found to cause disease and even death in baby pigs. When RotaTeq injected this vaccine into infants and children, did doctors and parents know that those babies were ingesting DNA from a virus, which was found to injure and even kill baby pigs?

Companies marketing such products should never just be given a free pass. It is just too dangerous to assume the safety of such vaccines. Flu injections contaminated with viral DNA which have the potential to evolve and infect humans should not be allowed or ever assumed safe.

The FDA recommended that doctors temporarily interrupt the Rotarix vaccine, after an independent lab detected PCV1 DNA in it with the help of new technology. This rotavirus vaccine had previously been given to infants 2 to 6 months of age. If only they could approve these tests for all flu vaccines and ban them once and for all.

So, next time your doctor informs you that it’s time to get your annual flu shot, you can show him/her this information, and ask how these ingredients could possibly make you avoid the flu. It would be interesting to find out the answer to that question.

Get more information about flu here: cdc.gov.
Go to www.NVIC.org to find out more about the flu vaccine.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

No Responses to “The Flu Vaccine Shock of the Year”

  1. 1
    Andrea Says:
    Goodness! If the flu vaccine is really full of such nasty chemicals, as suggested in the article, then how can it possibly pass safety tests? How can doctors prescribe it?