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The Big Deal: Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells

Umbilical cord blood stem cells have recently been found to have the ability to turn into almost any type of cell, rather than just red blood cells as it was first believed. Both sides of the stem cell research controversy do not deny the benefits of embryonic stem cell research, but rather the fact that these cells are taken from embryonic or fetal tissue and that the fetus or embryo is destroyed in the process. Those against this scientific research in the stem cell research controversy point to the fact that this tissue is human tissue and represents life that is destroyed, while those for it cite the benefits of embryonic stem cells in modern medicine. Umbilical cord blood stem cells offer the same benefits without the need to destroy any embryos or fetuses, using cells from the umbilical cord instead.

Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells

Umbilical cord blood stem cells have been shown to help reverse stoke symptoms and brain damage in rats during a study done at the University of Minnesota. According to the neurologist who conducted the experiment, Walter Low, the cells that were transplanted into the brains of the rats changed to the same properties that brain cells have, and this appeared to promote a rewiring of the brain. This is of immense importance because it can translate to a faster and more complete recovery of humans who have suffered a stroke or other brain damage. Other benefits of embryonic stem cell research include that the umbilical cord blood stem cells also show great potential with nerve damage and other medical conditions and problems.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “The Big Deal: Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells”

  1. 1
    Wellescent Health Blog Says:
    In addition to using umbilical stem cells, researchers are having some success in converting adult stem cells into an increasing number of cells by reprogramming the cells prior to use. If these successes continue, we could very well find embryonic stem cell research only important in small specialized areas of research. Though we are past the Bush days in terms of funding restrictions on the use of embryonic stem cells, those researching stem cells can face funding limitations from those also concerned about the practice so having other avenues to advance the research is always beneficial.
  2. 2
    David Granovsky Says:
    It is a tragedy when someone begins to lose one of their senses. The ability of stem cells to treat mediate hearing loss has generated huge interest! Already within 36 hours of posting the article above on my blog, I helped 5 people with hearing disorders find the right stem cell treatment for their particular condition. Hearing loss from external environmental factors, natural degeneration, autoimmune disease/MS, etc. I am in close contact with the only stem cell patient advocacy institute in the world and they are willing to help hearing impaired patients find treatments at no cost. The first step for you to find the best treatment center in the world for treating your particular hearing disorder is to fill out the treatment request form at the Repair Stem Cell Institute website. Your medical info will be sent to the top 5 treatment centers in the world and they will contact you shortly with information, costs, etc. if they treat your condition.There is no cost for treatment request and info.