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Teenage Skin Problems and Remedies

Adolescent Skin Problems

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Every teen wants flawless skin, a clear complexion and a glowing appearance. But at times, it is indeed very difficult to maintain healthy, flawless skin. There might be many factors contributing to the unhealthy and unappealing appearance of the skin: nutrition, genetics, stress, anxiety, and lifestyle to name a few. It is very important to maintain a proper skin care regimen for every in order to prevent various skin problems.

From acne breakouts and scars to an oily skin draws negative attention, adolescence can be filled with numerous skin problems. It is a problem with many teenagers, so don’t think you are alone with this problem.

Being a teenager can be one of the best phases of one’s life, it is a time for great growth and learning. But skin problems often put a huge damper on this part of our life. There are several skin problems that occurs to virtually every teen at some point in their life:

Problem 1: Acne

Adolescence is all about hormone fluctuations. There are many changes in our internal system during this stage of life and that leads to skin problems and eruptions. Skin reacts quickly to these hormonal changes, be it a rise or a fall in the levels. Some teens experience hormone induced skin pimples and blemishes occasionally, while others might get it on a regular basis. Girls usually get pimples or acne just before their menstrual cycle.

Pimples are quite common, but when it is chronic, it is called acne. Acne is characterized by blackheads, whiteheads and pimples that are infected. These infected pimples are what can lead to scarring if not properly treated.

Acne occurs mainly due to a rise in the production of sebum (oil) from the sebaceous glands. This can happen due to many factors like, improper dietary habits, inadequate water consumption, stress, and anxiety. Again, hormone metabolism directly affects oil levels on the skin.

If acne is stubborn and becomes chronic, it needs to be treated accordingly. A dermatologist can be consulted to suggest the best method of treatment. Over-the-counter medications are also helpful. You can try acne treatments that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These are both FDA approved treatments specific for acne.

Problem 2: Oily Skin

Oily skin often contributes to the appearance of acne, but alone it can be a cause of concern as well. Oily skin is undoubtedly something that is considered unattractive.

When you experience excess oil on your skin, you can well try to manage it through your diet. Ironically, a deficiency of unprocessed fatty acids, both mono- and polyunsaturated can be the causitive factor in oily skin and even in acne. Natural vegetable oils that are unprocessed can be helpful when added into the diet.

Oily skin is often an internal problem and the root cause needs to be understood before treating it. In order to “mop up” the excess oil, one can use topical retinoid acne treatment medication like different “drying solutions”. Many contain alcohol. This helps in soaking excess oil from the skin’s surface, but too much can be overly drying. Always keep blotting tissues in your bag while you go out. When you feel oily, you can use it to pat away excess oil. Another excellent topical aid is Witch Hazel. It helps close pores and decrease oil secretion..

Problem 3: Excessive Sweating

Perspiration is another major problem with every teenager. Teens tend to sweat a lot and it might happen on any part of your body, be it your palms, feet, under arms, scalp or even the face. Excessive sweating can happen due to stress and also due to excess heat. One can prevent excess perspiration by wearing cotton outfits and light colors. Foods that might trigger sweat should be avoided. If anti-perspirants are used, they should be the natural kind from the health food store. Improving digestion by eating a better diet and even using digestive enzymes can go a long way in reducing body odor that often accompanies perspiration.

Problem 4: Warts

Warts can also be a major problem among teenagers. These are fleshy bumps and lumps that are often colored or dark. They usually grow fingers, under fingernails, at the back of the hands or even on the feet and soles. Warts are usually caused by a typical virus and tend to appear with more frequency with teens. Warts can be contaigous.

Warts need proper treatment and care. Warts are treated with the use of salicylic acid, iquid nitrogen (for freezing) or else by laser treatment. There are many over the counter products that can help, but it is very important to be consistent and patient with any warts treatment as it can take many weeks for warts to disappear.

Problem 5: Atopic Dermatitis / Eczema

Eczema is common among children, but doctors say that is also happens to teenagers and adults. Eczema is usually characterized by dry patches, followed by skin reddening and scaling.

Eczema needs to be treated with topical ointments and moisturizers. Some oral medicines can also be helpful in treating these skin problems. Proper nutrition including healthy oils are a must.

Adolescent skin needs strong care and proper nutrition is a must. Some simple steps, if followed regularly, can help in preventing all the above mentioned skin problems. Noted below are some of the healthy habits for skin care:

Proper Cleansing

Cleansing is an integral part of skin care. Clean your skin regularly in order to maintain its health. Use proper cleansers and also make sure you are using oil balanced cosmetics. Read the labels before purchasing a product and choose one that suits your skin tone.

Gentle Cleaning

Your skin is very sensitive, so don’t be overly abrasive. Wash gently and use mild cleansers. Exfoliation can help unclog pores and prevent future problems. However, don’t scrub or exfoliate if you have pimples or acne. Again, Witch Hazel is excellent in virtually all condtitions after cleansing.

Protect Your Skin

Oily skin needs to be protected from the excess sun and UV rays. However, the skin also needs adequate exposure to sunlight to produce Vitamin D. Try to get 10-15 minutes of exposure to natural unfiltered sunlight a day to keep skin healthy. Just don’t overdue.

Do Not Pick at Pimples

Picking or squeezing can lead to scars and blemishes. Instead treat with topical anti-acne lotions and allow the pimples to “dry up” and heal on their own.

Check Your Diet

Eat a balanced diet in order to prevent skin problems. Indulge in fruits and veggies for healthy digestive system. Foods high in fiber are helpful as are unsweetened yogurts to keep a healthy level of beneficial bacteria in the colon. Probiotic supplements can also help deter acne.

Adequate Water

Drink ample Amount of water. This helps in releasing toxins and impurities, thus cleaning your system. This is a simple but often overlooked point

Flax Oil

Use flax oil regularly to keep your system healthy. Flax is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that help balance hormone levels.

Avoid Allergens

Skin disorders are often caused due to allergens (substances causing allergy). It is important to learn if you are allergic to something, and when found, to avoid it. Many teenagers have food allergies which can act as the root cause of skin outbreaks.

Treat Your Skin

There are several treatments for improving your skin condition. You should first consider natural therapies and maintain a good diet. If more help is needed, then you can consult a dermatologist for further treatment. They can offer several methods of treating acne and pimples. Even with a dermatologist’s help, it is still advisable to follow the suggestions above to take advantage of as many helpful therapies as possible.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Teenage Skin Problems and Remedies”

  1. 1
    Anthony Says:
    I'm a teenager and while I take care of my skin and I eat right, I am still having a lot of acne problems. It's great to see that it is just due to hormones and not something being wrong with me.