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Symptoms of Low Progesterone – Updated Article With Extra Information on Low Progesterone Treatment

    Progesterone is a hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands and the ovaries, and just like estrogen it plays a very important role in pregnancy and conception. This homeone stimulates the gowth of milk-producing glands. It is a common component of birth control pills, which causes the cervical mucus to thicken, making it unwelcome to the sperm. Besides its main functions for the reproductive system, progesterone also helps protect from osteoporosis by facilitating new bone growth. Progesterone is also one of the basic components of various other hormones in the body of a woman. Progesterone helps us deal with stress, and when we are under stress, cortisol is released by our adrenaline glands, but progesterone combats it.

    Sometimes, however, there is a hormonal imbalance and the woman may experience symptoms of low progesterone. A woman with low progesterone levels may undergo the following symptoms of low progesterone: infertility, menstruation irregularities, anxiety, depression, reduced libido, and vaginal dryness. Research has demonstrated that low progesterone is a frequent cause of infertility and miscarriages, especially recurrent ones. Progesterone creates favorable conditions for the fetus, and during pregnancy the placenta still produces progesterone after the first trimester, which facilitates the development of certain uterus tissues that nurture the fetus. If the levels of progesterone are normal, there will be a delay in shedding the lining of the uterus, which is known as menstruation. However, if the woman has low progesterone levels in the first weeks of pregnancy, a miscarriage is a likely result, so this is also one of the symptoms of low progesterone.

    There are various low progesterone treatment methods. Here we will present you with three of them:

    1) Hydroxyprogesterone treatment is the most common low progesterone treatment method. It entails having progesterone injected into the body. This type of treatment could be for women who start going through labor prematurely, in order to prevent early delivery. This treatment may also be given to women who are going through menopause to help with hot flashes and other such symptoms.

    2) Medroxyprogesterone is another type of low progesterone treatment. This comes in the form of a pill or an injection. It is helpful in avoiding complications from high estrogen levels and low progesterone levels, which may actually cause serious problems with health. Medroxyprogesterone may help with abnormal menstrual cycles as well.

    3) Progesterone. Simple progesterone creams and injections may be recommended as a type of low progesterone treatment. This treatment should always be closely monitored by a doctor. There are women who turn to alternative remedies for low progesterone levels, but these should be used with caution, as they have not been cleared or tested by medical authorities that are federally licensed.

    For the original article, click here

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    The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

10 Responses to “Symptoms of Low Progesterone – Updated Article With Extra Information on Low Progesterone Treatment”

  1. 1
    Lance Chambers Says:
    It's true that low progesterone should be addressed as a medical condition because it can cause fertility problems, osteoporosis and stress that's why many women are taking progesterone pills to avoid these problems but it is also important to consult your doctor before you take anything because he's the only one who can prescribe the the dosage fit for your circumstance.
  2. 2
    LRL Says:
    i really feel your pain cc i am going threw a similar situation and i feel like i am going to SNAP!!!
  3. 3
    mommaj Says:
    I started having the *exact* same symptoms as you at age 38. The dizziness, fatigue and memory problems became so great I could no longer work or participate in daily life. I thought I had a brain tumor or something. I couldn't remember MY name sometimes! My doctors told me it was complications of mono - though I think they were guessing because they ran every test and all was normal. It lasted about 2 yrs. I have recently started to recover after doing a fasting program called "The Master Cleanse" which is a program where you don't eat for 10 days... only drinking a special lemon drink and flushing your system. Some people use it for weight loss but it was designed to cleanse the body of imbalances and toxins. It is very important to do it correctly so research it or read the book before you try it. It's also best (but not required) if you can just rest for the 10 days to give your body maximum healing time. For me, it was a life saver. My insomnia and dizziness are all but gone, my energy level is better, headaches gone, and my moods are better too... though my hair continues to fall out more than normal. Two more things I did: I started seeing a Rolfer (somewhat like a chiropractor) to work on spinal alignment. My axis and atlas (top two vertebrae) were twisted, which can cause dizziness too. I also started taking Prenatal vitamins (by advice of docs since we're trying to have another child) and this seems to boost my health a great deal too. I'm not sure if any of this will work for you but it has worked for me and I wanted to share it. Six months ago, I could have been the one writing your post... it sounds exactly like what I was going through. I feel about 70% back to normal by doing those three things... which is saying a lot because I felt so awful I had written goodbye letters to my family because I was certain that I was terminal. goodluck
  4. 4
    JJ Says:
    I go through ZRT Labs. It does not require a doctor to get the test done. It is a saliva test which I have found to be very accurate for myself. They are in the west coast in Washington, I believe. Call them up and they will send you a test for free and they can recommend a pharmacist in your area that will do compounding for you. I don't use a doctor for this, but work with my pharmacist and the ZRT labs.
  5. 5
    CC Says:
    I am 38 and started feeling unwell about 18 months ago, but this year things have really gotten bad. I have most of the perimenopause symptoms. The worst of it is that I am constantly tired, terribly forgetful (even forgetting names of close family members & having to look it up in my contact list), my migraines have gotten worse, my head almost always feels weird deep inside, dizziness, a strange off balance feeling like I'm going to fall, have lost approximately 50% of my hair (others frequently comment on this) and am struggling to lose as little as 2kgs. My cycle has gone from 7 days to 2-3. Recently I have started to wake up early in the morning and struggle to get back to sleep. I used to get heart palpitations, but oddly enough it’s not much of a problem anymore. I’ve been celibate for many years and have no interest in changing that. Lately I’ve developed an intense hatred towards men, even seeing men on television angers me for some reason. I recently tested my insulin resistance and that's fine. A year ago I had my thyroid checked and it came back normal. This month I went to a doctor (my former long time GP has relocated) and requested that my progesterone be checked. It was a VERY short consultation, I might add. No more than 5 minutes. Didn't even get to tell her 20% of my symptoms. When I mentioned my hair loss, she replied that she doesn’t know me and can’t tell if my hair has always been thin or not! Is my word not good enough? I only discovered afterwards that she ordered a FSH test instead of the requested progesterone. Unreliable test from what I've read and the doctor never even asked where in my cycle I was. The doctor seems to think that I am somehow irrational for requesting a progesterone test. When I asked for this test, she wanted to know if I think I have the swine flu as well! After a week I finally got her to call me back about the results. The FSH was 4.9 and I believe it was on D5. The doctor still didn’t ask about it. When I asked why she didn't test my progesterone, she explained that the test is "really very expensive". I went to pathology and asked about the cost. It is the exact same amount as for the FSH! I am mad as hell that the doctor showed no interest in what I am going through. The moment I mentioned the word "hormones", her attitude changed. I am at my correct weight medically. Exercise 5 hours ever week. Am a very healthy eater. Have never been preganant and have no interest in that at all. Why is it so hard to find a doctor who takes this stuff seriously? I don't have medical aid and will never go to a doctor just for fun! I have decided to complain to the practice manager, and to HQ if need be, but at this point I am so angry that I worry about losing it completely and killing someone (seriously). I don’t know what to do. Is there a way that I can test my hormones without having to work with a damn doctor?
  6. 6
    Sabrina Says:
    I'm 29, married and want to fall pregnant. I would liken my behaviour to being depressed, angry and sad. My menstrual cycle ended on the 18th of July. My cycle is never constant and is somewhere between 28-31 days. I always spot before my menstruation (4-5days and it has become somewhat of the norm together with breast tenderness). I've been spotting for the last 5 days now. First it was brown, then pinkish and slimy and I've been feeling nauseous and dizzy in this time and even before spotting. This is the first time that apart from the spotting that I feel so out of sorts. On looking at your list of low progesterone, I seem to fit the bill in many of those instances. I think the disengaged feeling of not wanting to be sexually active is also true when I think about it...I guess because of wanting to fall pregnant is the reason behind participating.
  7. 7
    Ben Smith, Pharm D. Says:
    Hey Jayme It definitely sounds like you have a hormone imbalance. I would definitely agree with that diagnosis. If you would like to call or speak to one our hormone pharmacists give us a call. 865-986-8633
  8. 8
    Jayme Says:
    I am 22 years old and for 2 years since I started birth control (I've taken time off from BC and had to change to from the ring to yaz due to extremes when it came around time for my period) But no use, even with a 5 month break, my symptoms are the same.. Extremely low libido, to the point I can go for months without a thought of sex--but since I'm married, I force myself to at least think about it so my husband doesn't feel neglected... anxiety, mood swings, painul breasts during my period, very irregular and heavy periods (unless on Yaz birth control), vaginal dryness, bladder infections/difficulty controlling bladder, intense irritibility, hypoglycemia, intense allergies, easy weight gain, etc... Much of the time I have to experience these symptoms all the time and not only during "my time of the month"... I took an online hormone imbalance test and it says I may have either: excess estrogen or estrogen dominence... Does this sound close? I'll be going to the doctor soon to get my hormone levels tested.
  9. 9
    Donee Says:
    I am experienceing vaginal dryness in the past 2weeks and used the OTC applications but haven't worked. Now my menstrual cycle is usually like clock work and it seems not to want to start. I am 43... What should I do?
  10. 10
    Dr. Nicole Schneider Says:
    Mind plays a key role and stress, worry and anxiety are major passion killers. Hormonal changes such as PMS and the Menopause can cause low libido.