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Reasons for High Blood Pressure

Reasons for High Blood Pressure

  • Hypertension symptoms can be caused by hereditary factors or might be caused by lifestyle
  • Uncontrollable causes of high blood pressure
  • Causes of obesity that can be changed

In a minority of patients (approximately 10%) with high blood pressure (also known as hypertension), the condition is the result of another disease. This is known as secondary hypertension. If the causal disease is treated, blood pressure will usually go back to normal levels. The following conditions can cause secondary hypertension: tumors , diseases of the adrenal gland, pregnancy, alcohol addiction, thyroid dysfunction, chronic kidney disease, use of birth control pills, and coarctation of the aorta (this is a condition that causes the aorta to narrow. Some patients are born with this condition that causes high blood pressure in the arms).

In the majority of cases (approximately 90%), the reason for high blood pressure is not another disease or condition. This is known as primary hypertension. Although a specific cause might be unknown, there are certain contributing factors which are known to cause high blood pressure.

Uncontrollable Factors

1. Age: As you get older, there is a greater likelihood that you get hypertension. This is due to a condition known as hardening of the arteries or arteriosclerosis.

2. Race: For example, African Americans tend to suffer from hypertension more than white people.

3. Heredity: A tendency toward high blood maybe inherited.

4. Gender: Men are more likely to develop hypertension than women (according to age).

Alterable Factors

1. Body weight: Obesity is closely associated with high blood pressure. A person is defined as obese if they have a BMI (body mass index) of more than 30 kg/m2. Generally, doctors recommend that obese people who suffer from hypertension should lose weight. Your doctor will be able to analyze your BMI and what a healthy body weight would be.

2. Salt sensitivity: Some people are highly sensitive to salt (sodium) in that and their blood pressure will rise if they use it. Reducing the ingestion of sodium tends to lower the blood pressure of someone who is salt sensitive. that are highly processed tend to contain high amounts of salt. Some painkillers and some other over the counter medications also tend to contain large amounts of salt. Read the labels and try to avoid high sodium foodstuffs and medications.

3. Alcohol: If you drink more than one to two alcoholic drinks per day, you may be at risk of raising your blood pressure. This is particularly the case for those who are sensitive to alcohol.

4. Birth control pills: Some women who take oral contraceptives may develop high blood pressure.

5. Lack of physical activity: A sedentary lifestyle is becoming more common and may contribute to the obesity and the development of high blood pressure.

6. Drugs use and abuse: Certain drugs, such as diet pills, amphetamines (stimulants), and some pills used for allergy and cold symptoms may cause blood pressure to rise.

The most common correlation is that blood pressure rises as body weight increases. People who are obese or even overweight are more likely to develop hypertension than those whose weight is in a healthy range.

Your doctor will be able to discuss what normal blood pressure values are for you and how to control high blood pressure.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Reasons for High Blood Pressure”

  1. 1
    Michael Settergren Says:
    Good information, thanks. Blood pressure and hypertensions have been interests of mine for a long time, and I think that a solid, holistic approach is overall the most promising. You have to eat healthy, exercise, and regularly watch your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and then things should be not too hard.
  2. 2
    maria Says:
    You should always make sure you know if parents or grandparents have been diagnosed with high blood pressure too. Because it can be hereditary, it may help your doctor diagnose a condition when you're sick.