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Pregnancy and High Cholesterol

Pregnancy and High Cholesterol

  • Reducing cholesterol is important for pregnant women with high cholesterol if complications such as developing preeclampsia, a serious medical condition involving hypertension, are to be avoided
  • A low cholesterol diet is one way to help avoid potential cholesterol-related complications during pregnancy
  • Other methods of preventing cholesterol-related complications during pregnancy include regular cardiovascular exercises, and avoiding alcohol consumption and smoking

Cholesterol health is something everyone should be aware of no matter how old they are and what their own health is like. Recently, studies have shown that pregnant women who have high blood cholesterol are at risk of developing pre-eclampsia, a life-threatening condition where the pregnant woman’s blood pressure becomes dangerously high that is directly correlated to pregnancy and high cholesterol. In an effort to counter the high cholesterol during pregnancy, women are advised to take extra vitamin C and E.

These cholesterol side effects if not brought under control can lead to seizures that will endanger the life of the mother and the unborn baby. While the condition is responsible for very few deaths of the mother, hundreds of babies each year die from it. This is usually due to the fact that the baby is born prematurely and it chance of survival decrease tremendously. Pregnancy and high cholesterol should be watched carefully by a woman’s doctor in order to halt complications before they can begin.

Cholesterol heart disease is also very common in people who are overweight and pregnant women who are already heavier than they should be before they get pregnant are at risk. They will need to keep their cholesterol health levels monitored very carefully throughout their pregnancy and doctors should administer a urine test often throughout the pregnancy to test for the presence of a known protein that alerts doctors to the onset of pre-eclampsia. Bed rest is usually one of the main treatments of this condition.

Pregnant women are advised to reduce cholesterol side effects by eating healthy, exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding alcohol and tobacco smoking, including second hand smoke. Their cholesterol health at this time in their lives is fragile and they can go from being fine one day to being in the pre-eclampsia stage the next.

Additionally, pregnant women should watch their cholesterol health during pregnancy to help avoid the progression of atherosclerosis in their children later in their lives. Women who are dealing with cholesterol heart disease during their pregnancy are not able to take medication during the gestation period. If they develop hypercholesterolemia – an abnormally high concentration of cholesterol in the blood stream – the side effects of the condition will affect the child more than the mother. The fetus could develop fat patches in the artery walls and they turn into atherosclerotic lesions during childhood. If not treated, these lesions could cause death.

Making sure that you keep an eye on your cholesterol during pregnancy is very important as your unborn child is as much at risk as you are. Eating right, exercising, and making sure that you do not drink or smoke during the pregnancy are all ways to make sure that your cholesterol levels stay within healthy ranges. The side effects and risks are simply not worth it and women who can follow a good diet and exercise regimen during their pregnancy will often find themselves continuing it well after their baby is born.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.