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Precious Metals Investing: Safe Haven or a Risk?

A video at the 2012 Resource Investment Conference in Indian Wells, CA, hosted by
Cambridge House International on the topic of Precious Metals, A On Trade Or A Safe Haven. An excellent interplay with panel members: Jeff Berwick (DollarVigilante.com), Thom Calandra (BabyBulls.com), David Morgan (Silver-Investor.com) , and Greg McCoach (MiningSpeculator.com). A definite must view for anyone that has questions regarding investing in precious metals in today’s economy. Varying views and opinions give you an excellent insight from some of those experts that are in the know. The panelists compare the historic aspect of a variety of precious metals investments in the average portfolio compared to investing today, as well as the variables that change the market.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaWSvkVLWKs

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