Pancreatitis – The Foods That You Must Avoid.
If you have been diagnosed with pancreatitis, it means that you have inflammation of the pancreas. This disease could appear suddenly or it could develop gradually, becoming more serious – like acute pancreatitis. This may cause internal bleeding, permanent organ damage, or other serious health problems. If your case is severe, you might have to have surgery. But in any case you will have to make dietary changes. If you have read our other articles, you know what foods to eat, but what about the foods you should definitely avoid?! Here we will discuss the most important foods that you should avoid without question:

·Alcohol and tobacco should definitely be avoided if you’ve been diagnosed with pancreatitis.
·Fatty foods must also be avoided. If you cook with oils, then use the healthier kinds, such as vegetable or olive oil. According to medical experts, you should also cut all foods that contain trans-fats, examples of which include commercially-made cakes, donuts, and cookies. Deep fried foods like burgers, french fries, onion rings and bacon should also be avoided. Eat more baked foods instead.
·Red meat should also be stayed away from if you suffer from pancreatitis. Try to eat more tofu, cold water fish, or beans to get the protein you need. If you must eat meat, then make sure it’s extra-lean.
·Refined foods are not for pancreatitis sufferers. These include sugar, white pasta and white bread. Instead you should eat more whole-grain bread and pasta, and try honey instead of sugar.
·Caffeine and other similar stimulants must also be avoided at all costs, according to experts.
·Strong spicy foods must be stayed away from, because they can trigger a pancreas attack very easily.
·Carbonated drinks should not be consumed either, because they are responsible for forming gases, and this is actually harmful for the pancreas.
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The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.