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Nonsurgical rhinoplasty: pros and cons

One might think that focusing on one’s nose could be a silly thing. However, the nose we are born with can make our face appealing or appalling. Anyone that has an unsightly nose understands that it becomes the focus when someone is looking at our face. A poor or bad nose can affect our lives in all aspects: relationships, job potential and self-esteem. To some, changing the structure of their nose gives them an opportunity to be received well by others and have a normal life. Changing the contour of the nose is referred to as rhinoplasty. Thanks to medical science, we now have choices of surgical or non-surgical procedures. Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is the less invasive procedure and, within limitations, can accomplish the change that one wants for the shape of the nose. Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is an alternate method, but there are pros and cons to look at before you make any decision.

Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty

If you have ever watched the pain and agony of someone who has gone through standard surgical rhinoplasty, you will definitely want to investigate the nonsurgical rhinoplasty options. For alteration of the shape of the nose, this usually involves the use of tissue fillers that are injected into various nose areas. The fillers that are used by the surgeon should be FDA approved and usually include: Perlane, Radiesse, Juvederm, or Restylane. It is advisable for you to know which filler is going to be used and to do a bit of research on the topic. These fillers are the same ones used in wrinkle reduction. The fillers can be injected in certain areas that need to be shaped differently, from the tip to the sides.

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty: pros and cons


1} Little or no swelling.

2} Procedure takes from five to ten minutes

3} No surgery or operating room is required

4} Best for those that have problems with the nose tip, bump on ridge of the nose or have
what it referred to as a droopy nose.

5} More design specific for the look of the nose because the injections can be location specific.

6} Fast recovery period

7} Approximately fifty percent less in cost as compared to surgical rhinoplasty


1} Limited effect: last on average from four to eight months

2} Cannot be used for reduction of nose length or width

3} Unlike surgical rhinoplasty, it will not reduce breathing or nasal problems

4} That is required to receive periodic injections to maintain the changes

More recently, a newer filler has been developed that does offer permanent changes. The filler is called Artefill. This is a more improved version of Artecoll, which has been in use in Canada and Europe with over 400,000 patients in over ten years. Artefill is a gel filler suspended in purified cow (bovine) collagen. Most commonly used in the removal of wrinkles, augmentation of the lips and the removal of scars caused by acne. One of the most beneficial concepts with Artefill is that it is not absorbed or metabolized by the body. It can also be used by anyone of any age. To date, Artefill is the only permanent change filler; however, the procedure must be accomplished by an experienced surgeon that specializes in this process.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Nonsurgical rhinoplasty: pros and cons”

  1. 1
    Cosmetic Surgery Says:
    Although it is reported that nose reshaping patients who stay out has not incurred any serious problem, most patients prefer to rest in their homes. The recommended rest period is between one or two weeks. Sutures that can be found outside of the nose are normally removed after 4 or 5 days. Immediately after one week from the operation, the nose cast is likewise removed. Bruising left by the operation will disappear after two weeks.