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Natural Sun Damaged Skin Care

Sun Damaged Skin

  • cancer is the most common form of cancer and is also the most preventable through skin cancer awareness and skin cancer detection
  • The best and most effective way of preventing skin cancer is preventing sun damaged skin or preventing a sun burn
  • Skin cancer risk factors include age and skin sensitivity
  • Always take precautions before going out to lay in the sun, such as using a product with at least an SPF of 15

Most people do not even realize it, but many people have already incurred damage to their skin from the sun that can lead to wrinkles, liver spots, and even skin cancer; however, there are some natural treatments available that you might want to consider that can help repair damage and improve the overall look of your skin.

Vitamins & Light

One of the most common natural treatments for sun-damaged skin involves vitamin A. According to the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, research has been published in the journal for Clinical Cancer Research that supports the idea that vitamin A can be used to repair skin damage resulting from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Additionally, studies suggest the vitamin can even prevent the development of skin cancer. Taking 25,000 IU of vitamin A daily for five years was shown to reduce the risk of skin cancer by almost one-third. When it comes to sun-damaged skin, however, a more recent study found that taking the same amount of vitamin A for just one year resulted in reduced damage in 65 percent of participants. A double-dose daily improved the number of participants seeing positive results by as much as 81 percent. The Bastyr Center does warn that too much vitamin A can cause health problems, so using the vitamin as treatment while being monitored by a physician is important.

Another natural treatment for sun damage, and one that is rather ironic, is called photodynamic therapy. The treatment involves the application of aminolevulinic acid (ALA) to the sun-damaged skin then light energy is focused on the spots for a period of 30 to 60 minutes. This is known as ALA-PDT treatment, and the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has found the method effective in reducing sun spots, redness, and improving the overall quality of the skin’s appearance. ALA-PDT treatments have also been effective in treating skin cancer growths.

Wrinkles & Sun Damaged Skin

One of the consequences of sun damage is the increased risk of developing wrinkles. When this happens, one method of treatment is a collagen injection. Although these injections often use synthetic materials, they can be more natural and can use excess fat extracted from your body, instead, for the process. The benefit of choosing to use your own body fat is a reduction in risk factors associated with an allergic reaction.

Other materials used for these collagen injections could also be considered natural because they are derived from animals. The most popular, according to the Mayo Clinic, is bovine collagen obtained from cow skin. Another option is hyaluronic acid, which is taken from rooster combs.

Non-Natural Treatments

While natural treatments for sun-damaged skin are available, some people want to also consider non-natural options as well. WebMD.com lists and explains many of these options, including chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and dermabrasion. These treatments can either be performed by your cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist. You should always have a physician’s opinion before engaging in any of these treatments because they can have a risk of more serious side effects than many of the natural treatments.

If you have minimal or no sun-damaged skin currently, do what you can to prevent the damage. Always use a sunscreen when spending extended periods outdoors and use moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Natural Sun Damaged Skin Care”

  1. 1
    beyonce Says:
    I much prefer natural products as my skin is very sensitive and I cannot use the OTC items. Natural products really are better for you in the long run.