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Natural Sources of Iodine – Updated Article With Extra Information.

Iodine is an essential element which helps to protect our body from germs. It also ensures the proper and healthy functioning of the thyroid gland. If a person doesn’t have the required amount of iodine in his diet he may suffer from depression, obesity, weakness and persistent headache. In some serious cases it can also result in brain, fibrocystic breast and thyroid diseases. Miscarriages are also a sign of low iodine levels in our body, which is why pregnant women are told to consume foods which are rich in iodine. It is good for strong nails, teeth and skin too. Fortunately for us, iodine is readily available through the foods that we eat on a regular basis. These dietary sources of iodine account for 90% of our the chemical. About 10% is from the water. Some of the dieary sources of iodine are as follows:

Sources of Iodine

Dairy Products:
Some dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in iodine. Because of their high iodine concentration, they are considered as some of the best natural sources of iodione.

Green vegetables which are ideally grown on iodine rich soil like lettuce, asparagus, green beans, peas and spinach are also a very good source of iodine. They should be included in your diet on a daily basis in an ample quantities.

There are a number of fortified cereals available which also contain some iodine in them. They are considered healthy particularly as a breakfast because of their nutritional value.

Strawberries are also pretty rich in iodine. A person whose iodine level is not as high as it should be would do well to increase their intake of strawberries.

Fish is another natural source of iodine. Mostly ocean fish, as the ocean water has a high iodine level. Most sea fish contain iodine in abundance so they can also be included in your diet.

Iodized Salt:
Adding iodized salt to our foods also helps to increase our iodine level. But it should be noted that excess consumption of iodized salt can also result in other so it should be consumed with care.

Kelp is a sea vegetable which is very high in iodine. It is considered as one of the very best sources of iodine. It is so high that even a small quantity can fulfill our daily iodine needs.

The proper intake of iodine is very important as its deficiency can cause mental retardation in children. Therefore it is recommended that you keep a check on you and your children’s iodine levels on a regular basis. The sources mentioned above can be used to reduce its deficiency.

For the original article, click here

For more information on natural sources of iodine, go to:

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

6 Responses to “Natural Sources of Iodine – Updated Article With Extra Information.”

  1. 1
    Mohammed Arab Says:
    Hi , thanks a lot. I would like to say : what did Sharon say is true , Hypothyroidism is the disease state in humans and in vertebrates caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland, There are two categories of hypothyroidism symptoms: the first symptoms are Early symptoms as: 1- Poor muscle tone 2-Weight gain and water retention the second are Late symptoms as: - Abnormal menstrual cycles -Dry puffy skin, especially on the face Hyperthyroidism is the term for overactive tissue within the thyroid gland, resulting in overproduction and thus an excess of circulating free thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3). THANK you very match Mohammed from Saudi Arabia ^_^
  2. 2
    Geetanjalee Says:
    Everyone knows that Iodine vapourises at Normal Room Temprature, When we add salt to the boiling food, at 100- 110 degree celsius temp, There is no chance that iodine is still in the cooked food., Then how can we say that Iodised salt is the best source of iodine for human body. Please explain.
  3. 3
    Nancy Says:
    Hyperthyroidsim is rare instances can cause weight gain. Thyroid issues run in my family along with rare tumors growing in the thyroid (granulomas). My daughter has hyper and she gained a lot of weight. The endo said that some people do.
  4. 4
    manish Says:
    r u sure Sharon? Thx 4 ur concern...
  5. 5
    Sharon Says:
    Hi, there is an error in this article. Hyperthyroidism doesn't lead to weight gain, instead it causes rapid weight loss and may lead to osteoporosis. In some cases a goiter may accompany the increase in metabolism. Hypothyroidism leads to weight gain. It means that the thyroid function is suppressed, which slows the entire metabolism. "Hyper" means above normal and "Hypo" means below normal.
  6. 6
    TSH101 Says:
    from your site: "When you have a goiter, you can end up developing hyperthyroidism. This condition can lead to unexplained weight gain, hair loss, lethargy, and slowed reflexes." I think you need to check your facts.... leads to HYPOthyroidism.