Migraine Headache Symptoms
Migraine headache symptoms can vary, depending on which types of migraine headaches that you suffer from. A menopause headache treatment will differ from a stress headache treatment, because the point is to eliminate the underlying cause of the headaches while temporarily relieving the pain, discomfort, and debilitating symptoms of these headaches. Migraine headache symptoms can include many things, and each sufferer may experience a different combination. You may experience pain that can affect one or both sides of your head, and it can be throbbing or pulsing. At times you may think you can feel your heartbeat in your head. This pain can become so bad that you can not perform your normal daily activities, and may become worse when you move, in light, or with noise.

Migraine headache symptoms may or may not include an aura, and your vision can become distorted. Menopause headache treatment may involve hormone replacement, and other types of migraine headaches may require other medications to control the pain and other symptoms. Migraine headache symptoms can include nausea and vomiting, a feeling of weakness, and other bothersome signs. You may notice certain foods or stimulation trigger a migraine, such as chocolate or wine, and avoiding the triggers may help minimize the number of episodes you have. Some people experience certain prodrome symptoms, such as auras, a specific smell, or others before an attack occurs. This can be helpful because you can take steps to prevent it from happening, such as taking medication or laying down in a dark quiet room with a cool rag on your forehead.
The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.