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Learn the Facts about Using Organic Makeup

Organic Makeup

  • Any product in the U.S. that is labeled or an organic cosmetic must consist of at least 70 percent organic materials
  • Since cosmetic regulations are lax, it’s important to read labels on cosmetic items carefully. Some of these products contain ingredients that are not actually all-natural, when the product may claim to be completely natural
  • Helpful tips in how to properly read labels on natural cosmetic items, or those that claim to be, are to research ingredients before purchasing and choose a product that contains few or no artificial ingredients

The term “organic” has become one of the hottest marketing buzz words in recent years. From organic vegetables and fruits to organic cleaning products for the home, these items are jumping onto retail shelves in droves and are raking in a tidy profit for companies. Organic makeup is one example, but is it worth the extra cost?

Basics of Organic Makeup

To be labeled as organic, any product in the United States must consist of at least 70 percent organic materials. The term organic simply refers to anything that comes from a living system. Plant and animal products would both be considered organic under this definition. According to an article from Discovery Health, makers of organic cosmetics are committed to treating the skin in a holistic manner. Holistic simply means it pertains to the whole. In fact, many people who swear by organic makeup are also committed to using other organic and whole food products as part of their overall wellness routine.

Is Organic Makeup Better?

WebMD.com recently examined one example of organic makeup: mineral cosmetics. These products claim to be better for your skin because they are all-natural and organic; however, this may not be total fact. Some are convinced that mineral makeup is nothing but a marketing gimmick, selling consumers ingredients that are frequently included in cosmetics anyway. In fact, that has proven to be the case with some mineral cosmetics because they do actually contain artificial and synthetic additives, such as fragrances.

Other mineral makeup examples are better. A number of dermatologists told WebMD.com that they would recommend these products to consumers because they do contain fewer artificial chemicals than other makeup and are less likely to clog pores. They also tend to be better for sensitive and acne-prone skin. Of course, to reap these benefits you need to use the purest forms of organic makeup available, and that means closely reading the labels.

Researching Ingredients

The bottom line with organic makeup, as with almost all organic products, is that you need to get in the habit of reading and understanding the ingredients listed. An article on organic beauty products published in The New York Times discussed one of the concerns some dermatologists have about these new organic makeup products.

The problem is that in order to differentiate themselves from competition, many companies are seeking out more and more exotic ingredients. While these ingredients could be considered all-natural, many have not been widely used in U. S. cosmetics before, so their safety and effectiveness records are not known.

As the article points out, many consumers falsely believe that any product that is organic or natural would be good and safe for them to use. This, of course, is not necessarily the case. The head of the Environmental Working Group points out that poison ivy and tobacco are both natural and organic but most people would not consider them good or safe. Hemlock would be another good example of something dangerous but organic.

Instead of simply relying on labels that read “organic,” you should look at the label and choose products that contain few or no artificial fragrances or other unwanted items. If you need to do research on the ingredients in your cosmetics to make sure you are making a wise decision, the Cosmetic, Toiletry & Fragrance Association provides a database that can help you.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Learn the Facts about Using Organic Makeup”

  1. 1
    Eve Says:
    Good blog - I totally agree with people doing a bit of research to see what they are actually getting in their product. Trouble is, no one bothers to workout what all the big words mean ;-) The main things I look to avoid are parabens, and mineral oils. Oh, and talc in my mineral makeup!