Is the Swine Flu Linked to Pneumonia?
With the swine flu side death toll on the rise in America it is important to understand the risk of infection with pneumonia associated with the swine flu. Many people have heard from the news that swine flu and pneumonia are linked. This is slightly true, but not in the way that you may think. Most people believe that the swine flu causes pneumonia but it is wrong. Swine flu can weaken the immune system making it easier to “catch” pneumonia but contracting swine flu does not necessarily mean that you will definitely contract pneumonia, it just increases the chances of becoming ill will pneumonia, which could lead to death.

Many of the deaths associated with the swine flu side death toll, however, have been associated with a secondary contraction of pneumonia. Swine flu pneumonia symptoms are similar to those of the swine flu and many people may not realize that they are suffering from pneumonia and not seek medical attention with necessary. Because of this reason it is essential that one understands the swine flu pneumonia symptoms. These include a worsening cough, headache, discolored and sometimes bloody sputum or “spit up”, chest pain and shortness of breath. These swine flu pneumonia symptoms can have a slow onset or a rapid onset. These are similar to the common swine flu side effects which include cough, fever and other typical symptoms of the flu such as achy body and congestion.
Since pneumonia could be one of the many swine flu side effects, it is suggested that people obtain a pneumonia shot when they go to get their yearly flu and H1N1 shot, just to be safe.
The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.