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Is the acai berry supplement a scam?

There’s been a lot of media coverage of the acai berry supplements, claiming its amazing weigh-loss potential, a whole body rejuvenation and more, leading to a question of acai berry supplement scam.

Acai berry is a small purple berry, the size of a grape, grown in Brazil. Acai berry is very fragile and perishable and should be consumed as soon as picked to receive a full array of antioxidant benefits. The process of manufacturing acai berry into supplements surely destroys most of the vital vitamins and minerals. However, the manufacturers have discovered a unique freeze-dry processing method designed to preserve all of the essential nutrients in this berry. But this method is somewhat costly, driving up the prices of the acai berry supplements. There has been some research carried out claiming acai berry supplement scam, while others tend to agree that these supplements might help you lose weight in addition to maintaining a diet and moderate exercise. Acai berry has the most levels of antioxidants than any known fruit on earth, higher than blueberries, grapes and other berries altogether. Antioxidants help you rid your body of dangerous free radicals contributing to cancer and heart disease, help you fight-off various viruses and bacteria.

While acai berry supplements along with grape seed extract and colostrum supplement contain high levels of antioxidants, vital vitamins and nutrients, they still can not solely help you lose weight and can just be a stepping stone to establishing a healthy lifestyle.

There still has to be more scientific research done to determine acai berry supplement scam.

The information in this article is not intended as medical advice and should be used for educational purposes only.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Is the acai berry supplement a scam?”

  1. 1
    Angie Says:
    Acai berry - it's all you ever hear these days. While I'm sure they are beneficial, I can also with certainty say that there are cheaper ways to lose weight - i.e. exercise! Also, plenty other foods contain antioxidants, so acai berry is overrated, in my opinion. What does everyone else think?