Invaulable Tips on Brain Hemorrhage Recovery and Prevention
A brain hemorrhage is a severe bleeding in the brain, and it is a medical complication that still remains a mystery to medical experts. Unfortunately, most of the causes of brain hemorrhages are unclear, so the most important thing for brain hemorrhage prevention is to reduce the risk factors to make you susceptible to it, which we will discuss at the end of the article. Let’s first touch upon the symptoms of a brain hemorrhage.
There is a number of symptoms that can serve as warning signs that you have a brain hemorrhage. Some of these include severe headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Do not ignore these if you have all three. In addition, if a part of your body feels like it’s paralyzed or has no energy to move, you must see a neurosurgeon immediately. You may also feel dizzy and easily and frequently faint. All of these are symptoms that the brain is experiencing blood leakage, which is essentially what a hemorrhage is.
Brain hemorrhage recovery is not a quick one, but, nevertheless quite possible. It all begins on the day the patient goes in for surgical treatment (or sometimes non-surgical), and is then kept in the intensive care unit. The patient is under constant monitoring in the ICU. The brain hemorrhage recovery time varies depending on the severity of the case: it could be anywhere from a few weeks to years. During this time the patient undergoes close monitoring with frequent medical check-ups.
Brain hemorrhage prevention is about reducing the risk factors. Generally, if you are the kind of person that takes care of your health, you have nothing to worry about. Here are the main risk factors for getting a brain hemorrhage:
– High blood pressure is a big one. If you work on reducing it, you will eliminate a major risk factor for brain hemorrhage.
– Excessive drinking or drugs
– Cigarette smoking is already responsible for a variety of health problems, and it affects the brain indirectly.
– Head injuries – simple things like wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle is a straightforward way of brain hemorrhage prevention
– Pregnancy has been shown to increase brain hemorrhage risks, so take special care of your health during this time. Do not ignore any head discomforts when you are pregnant.
– If you have been diagnosed with an illness that is related to the kidneys or liver, then this could also be an indirect risk factor. Also, the results of a brain hemorrhage in this case could be much more dangerous.
– Anticoagulant medications and aspirin are risk factors if taken in excess. If you take too many of these at one time, then a brain hemorrhage could be triggered, especially if you suffer from disorders in the heart system.
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The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.
Brain Health21 Apr 2011 |