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Intestinal Gas: What are The Main Causes?

  • Intestinal gas can be caused by the foods you eat, and fiber rich foods are the worst when it concerns flatulence
  • Stomach indigestion can be caused by a number of different medical conditions
  • Intestinal gas can cause embarrassment, discomfort, and even pain at times

Intestinal gas can be very embarrassing, unpleasant, and even painful at times. Understanding some of the things that can cause this condition can help you minimize the amount of stomach indigestion, stomach flatulence, intestinal pain, stomach belching, and prevent you from offending anyone with your sounds and bodily reactions. Bloating and intestinal gas go together, and this can result in you belching and passing gas. One cause of these problems can be obesity and pregnancy. Both of these conditions can put pressure on your stomach and abdomen, and this can lead to an increase in bloating, indigestion, and other digestive problems. Obesity can result in your stomach muscles becoming slack and weak, and this can contribute to gas, discomfort, and indigestion.

Another cause of digestive problems which can result in stomach issues and flatulence problems can be the foods you eat. Certain foods are high in fiber, which can increase intestinal gas due to the fiber fermenting in your digestive system. Many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are high in fiber, and can cause an increase in stomach flatulence and belching. It is ironic that the very foods high in fiber which is good for you are also the foods which can cause the most gas. This does not have to stop you from eating healthy though. There are several products on the market which can help reduce gas and flatulence when you eat a high fiber meal. If you notice that certain foods in your seem to cause an increase in bloating, stomach indigestion, flatulence, belching, and other symptoms, taking one of these supplements before eating these foods can help minimize or even eliminate these symptoms before they even start.

A common cause of intestinal gas and stomach indigestion is called Aerophagia. In simple terms this simply means that you are swallowing air while eating, drinking, or performing other activities. This can cause air to become trapped in your digestive system, and this will lead to the need for belching and passing gas. Dentures which do not fit properly, smoking, chewing gum, and other oral habits can contribute to air being swallowed. If you suffer from panic attacks, you may hyperventilate during these attacks and also involuntarily swallow air.

An infection from a bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori can also cause intestinal gas, stomach indigestion, stomach belching and stomach flatulence if the infection is sever and is not treated. This infection can also cause heartburn, nausea, and other symptoms.

Drinking alcohol in excess can cause many intestinal and digestion problems, and flatulence and excess gas may be some of these. Because alcohol is corrosive to you intestines and can cause diarrhea and gas, you should avoid this substance. Another common culprit is carbonation. If you drink a large number of carbonated drinks and sodas, you may notice an increase in intestinal gas and flatulence. Avoiding these drinks may help resolve these issues.

A medical condition called Dumping Syndrome can also be a cause of excessive belching, flatulence, and other digestive problems. This condition causes the contents of your stomach to be quickly emptied into your intestines before it should be. This can be a result of certain surgeries such as a weight loss gastric bypass, a complication of other surgeries and diseases, or certain other medical conditions. No matter what is causing these problems in your specific case, you should be aware of the fact that treatments are available which can help. You do not have to live in dread, or avoid going out because of fears that flatulence will occur at the wrong time. Talk to you doctor and see what your treatment options are.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.