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I think I may be allergic to grape seed extract. How can I tell?

Grape seed extract allergies or grape allergies are extremely rare. If you suspect you might be allergic to grape seed extract, try to stop taking the extract and keep a food diary. Later, re-introduce the grape seed extract and monitor your reaction. If you notice a similarity in how your body reacts to grapeseed extract, then you might be allergic to it. However, before you make a final decision of your grape seed extract allergies, there are multiple factors to consider and research. Conventionally grown grapes receive huge amounts of that undoubtedly get inside your grape seed extract supplement. You might want to try and buy your supplements from a well known supplier who only uses organic grapes for its source of produce. In this case, if you show no reaction to an organic grape seed extract, then you are only allergic to pesticides that grapes are sprayed with. Another factor to consider as to your grape seed extract allergies is grape mold that can have devastating effect on your health. Again, only buy your grape seed extract supplement from a well-respected source that only uses the finest, pesticide and mold-free grapes.

Grape Seed Extract Allergies

There are very few known side effects of the grape seed extract, but all of them must be considered before taking it. If you are pregnant or nursing, or if you are on a blood thinning medication, do not take grape seed extract as it can adversely affect your health. Also, if you take a cholesterol-lowering drugs, the grape seed extract can counter-interact with your medication.
For majority of people grape seed extract is a potent antioxidant with strong immune system effect on acne and other systems of your body.

This article is not intended as medical advice and should only be used for educational purposes.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.