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How to Take the Perfect Nap

There are some days where we long to curl up in bed, on a couch or just about anywhere to catch a few Zs. According to an article called “The Perfect Nap: Sleeping Is a Mix of Art and Science,” by Sumathi Reddy of The Wall Street Journal, there is actually an art to napping. So, the next time you’re about to hit the hay, consider some of the issues below.


First, just how long should you nap? If you’re looking to have a boost of energy and alertness when you wake up, a 10-to-20-minute power nap would do the trick. Also, try sleeping partially upright. This should make it easier to wake up. Be aware that if you find yourself dreaming duringa nap of this length, it might be a sign that you’re -deprived, so take some measures to catch up on your rest.
A 60-minute nap can actually help your memory. Studies show that naps of this length help improve recall of facts, faces and places. However, waking up can be a bit tougher after a full hour – you’ll probably feel a bit groggy.One way to help combat this is to actually drink coffee before going to sleep.

A 90-minute nap allows you to go through the full sleep cycle, and you’re likely to have all kinds of dreams. This type of nap helps with emotional and procedural memory, like riding a bike. It can also help with creativity. Another bonus – it’ll be easier to wake up after sleeping for that long.

Finally, consider what time of day you’re planning that nap. Studies have found that the best time is between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. This, of course, depends on what time you go to bed at night. If you go to bed at 9 p.m., taking a 90-minute nap later in the daymay not be the best option for you.

So, the next time you start dozing off during the day and can afford to get some shut-eye, remember these helpful bits of information and get the best results.

Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323932604579050990895301888.html#project%3DSLEEP0902%26articleTabs%3Darticle

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.