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How to Prevent Varicose Veins?

Those of us that have been inflicted with ugly varicose veins know the stigma and stares that go along with them. They are unsightly, sometimes painful and keep us in a situation of covering them up. There are many causes for them, but there is also information on how to prevent varicose veins.

How To Prevent Varicose Veins

Varicose veins afflict mostly women. They are believed to be a combination of heredity, estrogen-based and those women that have experienced pregnancy have a higher rate of varicose veins. The veins are enlarged and twisted. Additional causes may be related to radical or extreme sports situations that caused the veins to stretch, twist or break.

There are some common sense lifestyle conditions that you can pay attention to when addressing the question on how to prevent varicose veins.

Good posture: Sitting and standing straight will help the blood flow. We need to listen to what our mothers said and keep our back and spine straight when we sit. Changing some of the daily habits can be easy. If you drive or commute, move the car seat into a more upright position. It may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but eventually, you will actually be more uncomfortable if you lean back to drive.

Good exercise: Yes, it’s what everyone tells us every day. Get out in the morning or during lunch and take a good walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car further from the shopping area. The additional walking is good for you. Riding a bicycle or swimming are two additional fun exercises that can be added to your day!

High heels are the enemy: Women that wear high heels in their younger years will experience major foot problems later on. Beyond just the foot aches, they add stress to the ankle areas and constrict blood flow.

Uncross your legs: Don’t sit or lay down with your legs crossed. This will definitely cause blood flow problems and enhance the development of varicose veins.

Looser fitting clothing: Tight fitting clothing has been incredibly popular for a number of years. While you might think it’s sexy, it’s actually constricting the major blood areas. Avoid anything that is tight in the waist, groin or leg areas.

Give your legs a rest and elevate them: When it’s time to relax, think of your legs. Elevating them six to twelve inches can help the blood flow return to the heart.

Don’t take high estrogen count birth control pills: While the medical community insists that major medical problems are of the lowest in women taking birth control pills, there are thousands of women that will beg to differ. High estrogen content has an affect in the reduction of the heart valve’s ability to close properly. Women taking high estrogen birth control pills also have a higher quantity of blood clots.

If you must sit or stand, stretch and rotate: We are in a computer oriented society that often requires hours of sitting or standing in one place for long periods of time. If you have this type of job, rotate your ankles and legs. Do simple movements that keep your blood flowing. If it is an extreme job, you might consider compression hose or stockings.

Always consult with your major medical provider before making any lifestyle changes.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “How to Prevent Varicose Veins?”

  1. 1
    Annie Says:
    I didn't know that tight clothes could also be responsible for varicose veins. I thought it was just because you crossed your legs too much. I'll have to revise my wardrobe then, because I like tight jeans and high heels. But how tight is too tight?
  2. 2
    Annie Says:
    I didn't know that tight clothes could also be responsible for varicose veins. I thought it was just because you crossed your legs too much. I'll have to revise my wardrobe then, because I like tight jeans and high heels. But how tight is too tight?