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How to Get Rid of Broken Blood Vessels

If you want to know how to get rid of broken blood vessels, you are not alone in this world! An enormous number of people suffer from this problem of all age groups and nationalities. Of course, this is not a serious or a life-threatening problem from your general health point of view, but having them usually makes people self-conscious about their appearance, especially if it is their face that is affected by the broken blood vessels.

How To Get Rid Of Broken Blood Vessels

Most frequently the broken blood vessels appear on the face, eyes, and legs. They are also referred to as spider veins or thread veins and they look like red, bluish or purple hairline marks. They are caused by the bursting of capillaries under the skin. In order to find out how to get rid of broken blood vessels you should read on and study this relatively simple step-by-step plan.

First, you should do your research and seek out a dermatologist that is board-certified. It is best to begin with your medical insurance plan, because a lot of the plans come with a list of doctors who are certified and approved. You should look for a dermatologist who specializes in vein abnormality treatments, such as treating varicose veins and spider veins (or broken blood vessels). This is important, because such a doctor will have the necessary skills to provide you with quality treatment.

The dermatologist will ask you about the medical conditions you have and you should be honest about this, as there are certain conditions that make people predisposed to the problem of broken blood vessels. For example, one of these conditions is called rosacea, which is a common skin disorder that usually affects those who have fair skin. Broken capillaries can also arise because of injuries. The dermatologist will go through your medical history, and review the parts about the location where you would like to get rid of broken blood vessels, as well as discuss your options and treatment plans in terms of cost and effectiveness.

The next step to get rid of broken blood vessels is the actual treatment. One of the options you may undergo is called sclerotherapy, which will involve injecting a medicine directly into the affected area. This will make the broken blood vessels shrink. Another option is laser treatment, and this will entail having a specialized instrument with a laser beam light focused into the spider vein area. The powerful beam of light will remove the broken blood vessels, and then they will be absorbed into the blood stream.

If you do not want or cannot afford medical intervention, then you should consider some home remedies. These include creams that are rich in Vitamin K, C, and E, and calendula, all of which are available in pharmacies and health food stores nationwide. You may also try cover-up make-up, which is an way to conceal the problem.

Whatever you do, getting rid of broken blood vessels need not be a big deal! Just take ths steps given above and you will rid yourself of your problem in no time!

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The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.