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How to avoid yeast infections?

Our bodies have a natural balance of both the good and bad bacteria. We can’t avoid contact with the bacteria because we are exposed to it every day. It’s in the air, the things we touch and in the food we eat. When an internal, external and or lifestyle change occurs, the balance of the good vs the bad can be disrupted. At that point, the bad bacteria can cultivate and overtake the area affected. This can result in an increase in the fungus and can produce the yeast infection. Anyone that has ever had a yeast infection has experienced the initial discomfort. If left untreated, the bad bacteria can spread and produce an incredibly bad medical situation. How to avoid yeast infections?

How To Avoid Yeast Infections

Yeast infections occur in the warm, moist areas of the body. While most are aware of the vaginal yeast infection, they can happen in the nasal passages. Anyone can get a yeast infection, from babies to women and men. Some of the basic common sense information on how to avoid yeast infections are: Don’t wear tight fitting clothes for long durations; lack of airflow with encourage a yeast infection. Women should not wear sanitary napkins or panty liners for long durations. Wear cotton underwear or cotton crotch pantyhose. Don’t do anything to irritate the genital area: Wipe front to back after urinating, don’t douche (it disrupts the natural bacterial balance), don’t use feminine sprays or bath products; avoid scented toilet paper. Do not share towels or washcloths. Eliminate the use of laundry detergents and fabric softeners that are scented. These scents sometimes act as irritant factors and can create an environment that will cause a yeast infection. Reducing the amount of sugar and alcohol will help keep yeast infections at bay. Yeast thrives on sugar and part of the conversion process of alcohol includes sugar. If you can, avoid taking antibiotics. More than anything else, this throws the body into a complete unbalance, as it kills off all bacteria. Without the good bacteria, the bad will grow unchecked.

For sexually active people, you must realize that if one partner has a yeast infection, both parties must be treated. Without dual treatment, the yeast infection can simply be passed back and forth. If you are on oral contraceptives, you might find an increase in the recurrence of yeast infections. Talk to your doctor about alternating the that you take. This will sometimes offset the recurrence.

The intake of any product that contains lactobacilius acidophilis. This bacteria helps to keep the balance in the body between the good and bad. Yogurt is the most common natural product that contains this natural active bacteria. However, if you are lactose intolerant, you can find supplements at a high quality health food store. There are also creams and ointments, both prescription and over the counter that can assist in getting rid of a yeast infection.

There is a false concept that the intake of products that contain yeast, such as beer or bread, will cause a yeast infection. This is not true.

Always consult with your primary physician regarding any medical situation and before you add any supplement or over the counter item to your regiment.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “How to avoid yeast infections?”

  1. 1
    Deidre Says:
    It is written - “Eliminate the use of laundry detergents and fabric softeners.” OK fabric detergents are easy to eliminate, but what about laundry detergents? What are the other options? Need ideas as I am also trying to reduce my chemical use.