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How to Avoid Most Common Digestion Problems?

  • Digestive problems can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as excessive gas, abdominal pain and constipation.These symptoms can be normal, but in severe cases, digestive problems can also be the signal of some heart conditions as they can indicate some difficulty in breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetable, particularly in their raw state, contain high levels of important nutrients including digestive enzymes which will help you break down fats, proteins, soluble fiber and carbohydrates.

Digestive problems can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as excessive gas, abdominal pain and constipation. They can be the result of eating too much, drinking too much, or enjoying new foods that can cause a digestive reaction. These symptoms can be normal, but in severe cases, digestive problems can also be the signal of some heart conditions as they can indicate some difficulty in breaking down proteins, fats, alcohol and carbohydrates.

When digestive difficulties happen, more blood is diverted to the organs located within the gut in order to aid digestion. The consequence can be that there is less blood and oxygen going to the heart, which can make it vulnerable to arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) or ischemia (lack of blood flow).

Chronic indigestion can be the result of an insufficient amount of digestive enzymes which are needed for the process of digesting food and in the absorption of nutrients. When you have insufficient digestive enzymes, the result can be excessive stress from free-radicals and a less effective immune function. This in turn can leave your body vulnerable to infection and disease.

Smart Food Choices For Healthy Digestion

Fresh fruit and vegetable, particularly in their raw state, contain high levels of important nutrients including digestive enzymes which will help you break down fats, proteins, soluble fiber and carbohydrates. Foods that are particularly rich in these nutrients include carrots, broccoli, beetroot, celery and parsley. Others include young shoots from grains such as wheat, barley and alfalfa. The combination of nutrients and enzymes will boost your immune system and will promote bowel and gastro intestinal function. Such nutrients and complex carbohydrates will also give you a sustained energy source and may also help you to control your weight.


Juices made from fresh fruit and vegetables can be an excellent way to ingest the enzymes that assist with digestion. Juices tend to be easy to digest and can be assimilated within minutes. Fruit and vegetable juices can be excellent sources of complex carbohydrate and energy with nutrients that will help to regenerate cells, glands, tissues, and organs. Juices also help to cleanse the bowel, and are therefore a popular element in detoxifying programs or diets.


The foundation of a healthy digestive function is a sufficient amount of beneficial bacteria that exist on the wall of the intestine. They are largely responsible for creating an environment that is favorable for normal digestion and the absorption of nutrients. They are also critical to healthy immune function and for a proper electrolyte balance.

In order to ensure you have a healthy gastrointestinal tract, make sure you take in the good bacteria that are so important in your gut. These are known as probiotics. They are contained within some yoghurt enriched with probiotics such as streptococcus thermophilus and lactobacillus acidophilus. Fermented or cultured foods such as tamari, tofu, miso and sauerkraut can also be rich in probiotics. Probiotic supplements are also available in pharmacies and health food stores.


Ginger is also commonly used to cure indigestion because it can absorb and neutralize toxins within the stomach. Ginger can be used as a fresh ingredient, or as a dried spice. It can also be drank in an infusion or tea, or is available as a dietary supplement.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “How to Avoid Most Common Digestion Problems?”

  1. 1
    Arliss Says:
    A friend of mine recommended acidophilus for some stomach problems I had been having and I have to say after the Super Aidophilus that is carried by my local GNC for a week my indigestion and stomach problems eased off and finally went away. Some of the best cures even today are the natural ones.