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How Dysmenorrhea Affects Fertility

Dysmenorrhea is what is known as painful periods and can affect not only the daily activities of the women affected by it, but also problems with fertility. Depending on the causes of dysmenorrhea and even the types of dysmenorrhea determines the types of dysmenorrhea treatment.

There are two types of dysmenorrhea: primary and secondary. Primary types of dysmenorrhea have no organic cause and painful periods just simply occur with no known diagnosis or reason. Secondary types of dysmenorrhea do have a pathological reason for occurring and depending on the causes of dysmenorrhea can result in dysmenorrhea fertility. Primary dysmenorrhea can usually be treated with acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce the pain. Women who experience this type of dysmenorrhea do not usually have any problems with conceiving. Women with secondary types of dysmenorrhea, however, do have trouble conceiving; a problem known as dysmenorrhea fertility. The secondary type of this condition is usually related to endometriosis. Other common causes can be fibroids, a blocked fallopian tube, narrowing of the cervix, or from long-term IUD use.

Most of the time correction via surgery for secondary dysmenorrhea can provide significant relief. Women should rest assured that not all painful menses will result in infertility. If pain is cumbersome and affects your daily activities you should always be examined by a doctor to make sure that something serious is not going on. A doctor can make a recommendation of the types of dysmenorrhea treatment available. Medical intervention is not always necessary but at times may be needed to improve conception and increase the fertility of the woman.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.