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High Diastolic Blood Pressure Decreases Sex Drive

High Diastolic Blood Pressure

  • Sex drives change. For women it may be from menopause or other hormone changes. For men it can fluctuate due to age or stress levels. There’s also a connection between your sex drive and high blood pressure
  • High blood pressure not only affects your sex drive but also puts you at a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes
  • For men, the change in sex drive may night be a decrease but the development of erectile dysfunction
  • Supplements like Co Q10 200 Sublingual and Cardio Smart can help you keep a healthy heart and low blood pressure.

Our sex drive changes for many reasons. Women tend to have a reduced interest in sex when they have to care for children or aging parents, go through menopause, or have other hormone changes. Men’s sex drive fluctuates due to age and stress levels. In addition to these possibilities, a sex drive decrease could be connected to your high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure Explained

Before discussing the connection between high blood pressure (hypertension) and a sex drive decrease, let’s look at what is meant by blood pressure. The term refers to how much pressure is exerted within the arteries at two different stages: when the heart rests and when the heart beats. When the pressure levels are high, blood flow is more difficult. Plus, the additional pressure can end up putting too much stress on the heart which can lead to a greater risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks, as well as strokes because of the impaired blood flow.

You are diagnosed as having high blood pressure if your systolic (beating) rate is above 140 and/or your diastolic (resting) rate is above 90.

Elevated Blood Pressure & Male Sex Drive

Because a healthy sex drive is dependent on good health, increases in blood pressure can cause problems in the sexuality department. For men, the biggest problem may not necessarily be a sex drive decrease. In fact, erectile dysfunction (ED) is the more common difficulty faced by men who have hypertension.

A that was published in October 2000 showed that approximately 70% of men in the study that had increased blood pressure suffered from some degree of ED. For about half of the men, the problem was very severe and had a dramatic impact on their sex life.

High Blood Pressure & Female Sex Drive Decrease

Clearly the connection between sexual performance and high blood pressure for men has been established. More recent research has begun to show the same types of effects for women who suffer from hypertension, too. A study involving more than 400 women who were between the ages of 31 and 60 found that women with high blood pressure were twice as likely to experience sexual dysfunction, including sex drive decrease and inability to achieve orgasm, than woman with normal blood pressure.

Another study published a few years earlier found that hypertension also reduced vaginal lubrication and resulted in more painful intercourse which helped to decrease sexual desire as well.

The Double-Edged Sword

While high blood pressure can have a negative impact on sex drive, taking medication to lower your number and improve that aspect of your health can cause similar problems. Diuretics and beta blocker are two of the most common types of hypertension medications but both types have a well-documented history of not only reducing sex drive in both men and women but also of increasing the risk of erectile dysfunction.

If you have high blood pressure and are worried about sexual dysfunction, your best choice is to try to control your hypertension by making lifestyle changes, including eating a healthier diet, reducing your sodium intake, dropping extra pounds, and exercising more. Research has also shown that these steps can lower blood pressure and can re-stimulate sex drive in both genders.

Because high blood pressure plays such a large role in sexual activity, it’s important to keep it under control. Natural supplements like Cardio Smartcan help maintain normal blood pressure. Another supplement called Co Q10 200 Sublingual helps promote cardiovascular health which will decrease your chance of high blood pressure.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “High Diastolic Blood Pressure Decreases Sex Drive”

  1. 1
    High Diastolic Blood Pressure Says:
    Hello. I often think that eating right and exercise is not enough when my immune system is low. Chronic inflammation and poor diet habits do contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease issues. I have tried to reduce my inflamation with supplements and I do feel better and I don't get sick as often. Thanks and have a nice day. :)