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Herbal supplements for high blood pressure

High is a silent disease. The American Heart Association has indicated that in the United States, almost one in every three adults suffer from high blood pressure. Also known as thrombosis, this will kill you if unchecked. There are a number of pharmaceutical drugs on the market to address this problem, however they have their side effects and can, in some cases, cause other disorders. For those that seek integrative alternatives, there are herbal supplements for high blood pressure.

Herbal Supplements For High Blood Pressure

Someone that has high blood pressure can have few symptoms or none. The typical symptom can include dizzy feelings and chronic headaches. However, these can be symptoms of many disorders.

High blood pressure can be caused by a number of situations: heredity, lifestyle, age, weight, diet. If someone has a combination of these issues that contribute to high blood pressure, they must be very diligent in addressing as many of the issues as possible.

Throughout history, people have been using herbal supplements for high blood pressure. Combined with lifestyle changes, these have been found to be very effective.

CoQ10 (also known as Coenzyme Q10)
Many studies have been done on CoQ10 with positive results that it assists in reducing high blood pressure. Available in supplement form, it is advised that you purchase only from a high quality health food store or an independent pharmacy that specializes in integrative medicine therapies.

Fish Oil Supplements
This supplement has been in the news a lot more recently. Studies in Okinawa, Japan, have shown that a high level of fish oil in the diet seems to contribute to a lack of high blood pressure. If you are going to add fish oil as a supplement, be sure to purchase the best quality with the highest percentage of fish oil. Standard OTC brands are not recommended. The best fish oil is organic, with organic gel caps and refrigerated.

Folic Acid
Folic acid works along with other vitamins in the reduction of high blood pressure. Folic acid can be found in a number of the foods we eat as well as in supplement form.

Hawthorn has been used throughout the centuries by practitioners to address the problem of high blood pressure. While it is available in many forms, it should be noted that one must only take hawthorn under the direction of a physician. High doses can be lethal and it is not advised for children or pregnant and breast feeding women.

This is probably the easiest to add to your diet, however, you need to make sure that you discuss the addition of garlic with your physician. Garlic is a natural blood thinner and has blood pressure reducing qualities. You should not have a high garlic intake if you are taking any other heart or blood thinning medications. Garlic is available as a supplement as well as in natural form.

Always discuss any dietary changes with your primary medical provider. Be sure to include all over the counter, integrative and pharmaceutical items that you are taking. There can be drug interactions with natural and herbal products.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

2 Responses to “Herbal supplements for high blood pressure”

  1. 1
    Blair Says:
    Would it be OK to take these supplements with any blood pressure medications? I am currently taking Norvasc and Acuretic, so I'm wondering which one of these would work best with those and how often to take them?
  2. 2
    Blair Says:
    Would it be OK to take these supplements with any blood pressure medications? I am currently taking Norvasc and Acuretic, so I'm wondering which one of these would work best with those and how often to take them?