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Hawthorn berry benefits

Hawthorn berry has long been touted as one of the most beneficial of the herbal remedies for heart disease. Used for many years in Europe, it has even been endorsed by the portion of the German government responsible for herbal studies; Commission E. The historical original use of the hawthorn berry was for the aid in digestive problems and insomnia. In the 19th century, physicians began to see that another of the hawthorn berry benefits related to cardio or heart related disorders.

The hawthorn berry, also known as English hawthorn, haw, May blossom and thorn apple tree has been found to be high in antioxidants. Animal studies have shown that the hawthorn berry has the ability to dilate or open up the arteries and is used to treat angina, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure and heart arrhythmia. The hawthorn berry assists in the elimination of lip deposits. Ancient Chinese medicine includes the hawthorn berry in the treatment for hepatitis.

If you have paid any attention to the media anywhere, you will have heard about the benefits of antioxidants. Antioxidants attack the free radicals in the body that contribute to cell damage. While they are found naturally in the body, environment and lifestyle situations can reduce the antioxidants in the body and therefore reduce their effect on free radicals.

The hawthorn berry is a spiny, thorny plant, indigenous to the Mediterranean and has a rather unusual history. Originally used by the Romans for land separation, it was regarded as a symbol of hope. The Christians saw the hawthorn berry as a symbol of evil due to it’s resemblance to the crown of thorns placed on Christ’s head.

Hawthorn berry benefits have been shown excellent results in the treatment of high cholesterol, chest pains, and atherosclerosis. It has also been used to assist in correcting an irregular heart beat. Other uses have included anti-inflammatory, sedative, tonic and anti-spasmodic. Both the hawthorn berry and leaf are used in the production of the herbal additive. It is high in Vitamin C complex as well as Vitamin B, carotene and flavonoids.

Large doses of hawthorn berry can dizziness as well as an extreme drop in blood pressure. While it is recognized as a safe herb, other side effects have included nausea, rashes, fatigue and sweating. Heart patients taking any form of heart medication should not take hawthorn berry due to drug interactions. There are no tests that have involved children and it is not recommended that hawthorn berry be given to children. Pregnant women or women who are breast feeding, as well as any patients with colitis or ulcerative problems should not take hawthorn berry.

Always seek quality herbs at a reputable health food store. Make sure the product that you select is produced from standardized extracts. A quality health food store will carry vitamins and supplements produced in environments that are compliant with pharmaceutical GMP. Many manufacturers mislead or simply do not put the correct potency on the labels. Purchasing lower quality herbal products may also include contaminants that are harmful.

Always consult with your primary care giver before adding any supplement to your daily regiment, due to possible drug interactions. Be sure to inform your physician about any and all products you are taking, including over the counter medication.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

One Response to “Hawthorn berry benefits”

  1. 1
    Melissa Says:
    I guess it's easy to get these hawthorn berries in a supplement, but what about eating them raw or making a pie or something from them? Can you even get them in a grocery store?